<em>@senegal2010 337697 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can’t seem to find how to remove TOP RATED HOTELS IN FRANCE on the front page – any ideas? Thanks.</blockquote>
What do you mean? Remove module or remove text “TOP RATED HOTELS IN FRANCE”
You want to remove text “TOP RATED HOTELS IN FRANCE”
<blockquote>Admin area -> Menus->Main Menu->Edit Home->Page Display Options tabs(Page Heading: Top rated hotels in france, you can change or remove it)</blockquote>
If you want to disable module, because it’s main component on your site. But JAT3 framework supports to disable it.
<blockquote>Admin area->Extensions->Template Managers->Edit JA_Travel – Default->Profiles tabs->Default profile->Hide Main content block: set Yes</blockquote>
Remember to clear cache from Admin area