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  • Rob Hawthorn Friend

    This problem is probably easier to solve by viewing the webpage via a screenshot:

    Basically I need to remove the empty container at the bottom of the page but only from the homepage. Anyone know how to do this?

    Any help greatly appreciated.


    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Can you give us a URL?

    scotty Friend

    Not sure why your seeing the top one (#ja-topsl position). Could be you have some module set to display there but isn’t actually visable.

    The bottom one is probably your main content area (component area). You don’t seem to have any component showing on that page??

    Did you alter your index.php file at all?

    Rob Hawthorn Friend

    <em>@scotty 135412 wrote:</em><blockquote>Not sure why your seeing the top one (#ja-topsl position). Could be you have some module set to display there but isn’t actually visable.

    The bottom one is probably your main content area (component area). You don’t seem to have any component showing on that page??

    Did you alter your index.php file at all?</blockquote>

    <em>@jbrett 135399 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can you give us a URL?

    Hi guys, thanks very much for the replies, I’ve put the site live now it’s at http://white-hot.co.uk/eRetail/

    I’m happy with the layout of the homepage as it is apart from the empty container above the black footer bar.

    I only want the container in question off from the homepage, is this possible?

    It’s the container that holds the main body but I want to keep the homepage as clean and minimal as possible.


    scotty Friend

    It’s actually the JA_news position. Can you turn it off in the template manager? If not you can comment it out of the index.php.

    Anonymous Moderator


    Open templates/ja_lead/css/template.css file, at about line 714, find following code:

    .ja-content-inner {
    background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0;
    border:1px solid #D5D5D5;
    margin:0 0 20px;
    padding:20px 10px 0;

    and change to:

    .ja-content-inner {
    background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0;

    heldholgi Friend


    this solution only delets the empty container.

    I´m now using JA-News and JA_News Frontpage. Just have a look to my site to see my problem …

    I tried to configre both modules so that I see only one column with one row for every news-aritcle.

    Maybe someone can help ??
    Thanks a lot !


    Rob Hawthorn Friend

    Thanks so much Cao Hau I’ll implement the solution

    checkmate40 Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 135720 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi

    Open templates/ja_lead/css/template.css file, at about line 714, find following code:

    .ja-content-inner {
    background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0;
    border:1px solid #D5D5D5;
    margin:0 0 20px;
    padding:20px 10px 0;

    and change to:

    .ja-content-inner {
    background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0;


    Is there a way to do this without it messing up the styling on the sub pages?

    kalibs112 Friend

    .ja-content-inner {
    background:#FFFFFF none repeat scroll 0 0;
    border:1px solid #D5D5D5;
    margin:0 0 20px;
    padding:20px 10px 0;

    checkmate40 Friend

    That didn’t work for me… The white space is still there on the homepage…

    Anonymous Moderator

    Also, you can refer this thread: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showthread.php?p=150889

    this thread will help you to solve all issues.

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