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  • Peter Matra Friend


    I love this template but I would want to change one thing and that is the upper news to a slide show similar to that of Sanidine II….


    What is going on with the menu descriptions underneath the menu titles? :(( I cannot get rid of them…

    Otherwise awesome job.

    damian Friend

    go to your menu parameter ( Parameter System tab).

    Peter Matra Friend

    I must be missing something- I turned off the description and it still showed. You are talking about the long list of parameters inside each menu I assume. I even double checked the SQL data and when I the parameter was turned off and there was no title written it copied the menu title so I have two menu titles…

    I hoped that made sense. For instance I am using the new Uvite template, look under the Main Menu Typography and it says Bonus titles…etc. I turn off the description and text and it says: Typography and another Typography directly beneath it.

    I tried to adjust the PHP but I have no clue what I am doing there.

    I did solve it by changing the CSS for the description font to 0% which did the trick but I can forsee trouble in the future.


    mayke Friend


    Nice to try, ur just doing good, mind to share? or…
    will JA help us ‘the right thing’ to do. Any clue?
    Coz parameter system tab won’t change…

    Peter Matra Friend

    Good I am glad I am not the only one. PLEASE HELP!

    mayke Friend

    Still waiting…….

    Peter Matra Friend

    ok I got it I think- This should remove the descriptions beneath the menus (because the params.ini is not working.) I remind everyone I know nothing about PHP. This was a crap shoot. I tested it with IE7 and it worked for me.

    Modify the ‘Base.class.php’ in the templates/ja_uvite/ja_menus directory

    —————-ORIGINAL CODE—-LINES 166-182——————————-

    //Add page title to item
    if ($level == 0 && $this->getParam(‘menu_title’)) {
    if ($this->getPageTitle($iParams)) {
    $txt .= ‘<span class=”menu-desc”>’. $this->getPageTitle($iParams).'</span>’;
    } else {
    $txt .= ‘<span class=”menu-desc”>’. $tmp->name.'</span>’;

    $title = “title=”$tmp->name””;

    if ($tmp->url != null)
    switch ($tmp->browserNav)
    case 0:


    //Add page title to item
    if ($level == 0 && $this->getParam(‘menu_title’)) {
    if ($this->getPageTitle($iParams)) {


    $title = “title=”$tmp->name””;

    if ($tmp->url != null)
    switch ($tmp->browserNav)
    case 0:


    You are basically deleting the calls to the menu-desc.span- It may just nullify the css call. I don’t know if this will effect the height. I am narrowing mine now.

    mayke Friend

    Hi Pete,

    I don’t know why JA so quite at this time
    forsure I just need HOW TO TURN OF THE MENU DESCRIPTION…
    Looks funny when I don’t have any information for the menu description yet,
    when I keep it blank it repeating the menu title???

    But I do your way Pete. This is cool! And works just fine.
    Simply replace to the original when I need this in the future.
    Thank you for sharing Pete.

    Peter Matra Friend

    THANKS- I am such an amateur I am going to brag. My fix I guess will completely disable all menu descriptions.


    bramewave Friend

    Are you trying to remove the mouseover issue? If so try this:

    Open base.class.php file in templatesja_uviteja_menus folder , find following code line at about line 235 :

    $title = “title=”$tmp->name””;

    remove it .

    Peter Matra Friend

    hmmm. I wish I could still recreate the issue, but I scrapped using Uvite for Sandine for additional issues.

    What was happening was that I could not get rid of the menu descriptions underneath the Menu Item title. (the description text I highlighted in the JPG). I tried all different ways of of doing via parameters and none of it worked.

    Is just reworked the code, but it disabled descriptions permanently.

    1. remove-menu-desc
    bramewave Friend

    I am now having the same problem DANG IT! I just need to remove one. I just decided to modify them so that they work well with the menu item. I kinda like it.

    Peter Matra Friend

    That sucks, my solution eliminates all of the descriptions.

    bramewave Friend

    try this, you have to us the correct ccs file


    change line (it should be around line 162 or so you may have to download it through FTP:

    #ja-mainnav span.menu-desc {
    color: #546376;


    #ja-mainnav span.menu-desc {
    opacity: 0.0;
    color: #546376;


    Peter Matra Friend

    That’s a good way so you don’t have to screw with the PHP. Did you get the opacity work properly with IE?

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