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  • testdevepihirin Friend


    I am trying to remove the “Powered by T3” logo currently placed at the footer of the template. I figured out the way to do it by setting the parameter Footer T3 Logo under the Profiles Tab inside the Template Manager to No Show.

    When I try to do this a message pops up saying

    An error has occured when saving Global Settings..

    An error has occured when saving the default profile..

    I am guessing it has to do with permissions on certain files or folders. Can you please inform me on which folders and files should I set the permission to 777 so that I can make changes to the default profile ?

    Thanks in advance

    pavit Moderator


    Please enable your FTP layer from Site –>Global configuration –> Server Tab –> FTP Settings

    In this way you will give the read and write rights to the ftp user

    testdevepihirin Friend

    I tried that but I am getting an error saying

    JFTP::login: Unable to login
    Looks like User’s credentials are no good…

    pavit Moderator

    <em>@testdevepihirin 348518 wrote:</em><blockquote>I tried that but I am getting an error saying

    JFTP::login: Unable to login
    Looks like User’s credentials are no good…

    did you tried to modify directly the configuration.php file ?

    public $ftp_host = ' ';
    public $ftp_port = '21';
    public $ftp_user = ' ';
    public $ftp_pass = ' ';
    public $ftp_root = ' ';
    public $ftp_enable = '1';

    testdevepihirin Friend

    I just tried it. How will I check if the changes I made to the configuroation.php file are the correct ones?

    But it seems to me that enabling the ftp layer will not solve the problem I am having since all of my files have permissions 755 or 644. So, files and folders having 755 permission let only the owner (which is the same as the ftp user) to modify them but others with 644 permission are not writable by anyone.

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>I just tried it. How will I check if the changes I made to the configuroation.php file are the correct ones?</blockquote>

    Your error message will not be showed

    Could you send me a PM with your ftp account and your administrator page account login too . so i will try to check what else is wrong on your files

    pavit Moderator


    I have enabled the ftp layer and modified the ftp root with the correct path /public_html/ this will override the permission settings on folder

    Now your template manager is working fine – i disabled the visualization of T3 logo


    testdevepihirin Friend

    Many thanks pavit

    slmn Friend


    powered by the words I can not remove. I can not find the folders look. Can you help me please?

    pavit Moderator

    <em>@slmn 359569 wrote:</em><blockquote>hi

    powered by the words I can not remove. I can not find the folders look. Can you help me please?</blockquote>


    You need to disable it from Extensions — > Template Manager — > JA_Mendozite – Default –> PROFILES Tab –> Global Settings –>Footer T3 Logo –> No Show

    slmn Friend

    thank you pavit.

    slmn Friend

    Thank you for your help.

    to ask you a question
    How to write your own I want to replace powered by Framework

    pavit Moderator


    1) Create a new Custom-html module with your preferred content and publish it in the footnav position
    2) Create a new css class example ( .janewfootnav { margin-left: xx px; }) add this class in the template.css file
    3) Add _janewfootnav to your module class suffix.


    slmn Friend

    Thank you for your help

    but I could not do what you said for trying to learn a new. I’d like you told a little bit more open to

    pavit Moderator

    The position where you want to add some other content is named footnav

    Now if you will add a new custom-html module with your content like an image or something else you will need to stylize a little the position of the module to move it on the right where is the T3 Logo now, to do this you can use the css to give a left margin to the new module in this way it will be positioned where the T3 Logo is now , to add a new css style you need to open this file /templates/ja_mendozite/css/template.css and at the end of the file add this
    .janewfootnav{margin-left: 160px;}
    then in your new created custom-html module in Advanced Options –>Module Class Suffix add this code janewfootnav with an empty space at the beginning

    In this way you will have a new module in the actual T3Logo position

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