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  • karensieger Friend

    Currently the slide menu is linked to mainmenu. I have a travel site and I am trying to make it so that the home button doesn’t appear in the slider menu, only the flights, cars, hotels, etc. If i remove the home link from the mainmenu, I lose the ability to customize the frontpage and the home page becomes the first item in the mainmenu slider.

    Is there a way I can keep home out of the slider but still have the homepage be the joomla frontpage? Site is still in dev mode so I don’t have a URL to share, but can provide a screenie if that would help.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi karensieger !
    for Replacing mainmenu with another menu for slider you open ja_vars_1.0x.php file in templates/ja_corona folder , find code line at about line 33 :

    # Joomla menutype used in main navigation
    $_params->set('menutype','mainmenu'); // split, moo, css, dropline

    you replace “mainmenu” by other menu name ( example :othermenu, topmenu,….)

    karensieger Friend

    Okay now I feel stupid. That did the trick. I was fiddling with that earlier and did something dumb. Many thanks for the help! It all works the way I had envisioned now. 😀

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