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  • lalaloo Friend

    I am sick and tired of your lousy customer service. The one you do NOT provide unless i submit threads demanding a refund.

    • You have a crappy sort of manual which lacks in the most bsic of details.
    • You provide a “quickstart” package which lasts over 3 hours to upload…
    • You also have paying customers like me.
    • I need support and I dont get it. Support is part of what I paid for and I want it.

    Reply to the issues i placed here last night.
    Or refund me IN FULL today so I can go find another template to work with.

    I understand the setup you have here.
    You sell complicated templates that people with basic php knowledge have difficulty working thru. Then you have a bunch of people rummaging the forum offering to help, for a price!

    I get it. But that’s not correct.
    I wont pay a dime for any EXTRA service unless it were a mod I was looking for.
    Its not. Its basic support to the actual template.

    So reply or refund!

    mfcphil Friend

    I am sorry you are having difficulties with your first template, but as I have seen your post you are Demanding help or a refund on everyone of them, this is not the way to go!! states that your numerous support tickets were not found. This also states that your site is working fine.

    As far as I am aware no one is charging for help here….and if there are people who want to help for money they should be offering help in the paid request section….you do not have to pay extra for any support.

    JA does not “sell complicated templates that people with basic php knowledge have difficulty working with”

    I’m sure the Ja developers will again look at your issues after the weekend!

    lalaloo Friend

    I DO have open tickets that go unreplied. If they were not found, that’s simply odd.
    I DID get people offering to help for money.
    The site IS NOT working fine. And if JA Developer mentioned otherwise its because he did not have a good look at all the issues.

    The support is lousy. No need to take it from me. Read the countless posts on this forum.
    And i DO demand support – it comes with the package!

    mfcphil Friend

    Well lets hope you get it from the lousy customers service people

    bennitos Friend

    <em>@lalaloo 134486 wrote:</em><blockquote>I DO have open tickets that go unreplied. If they were not found, that’s simply odd.
    I DID get people offering to help for money.
    The site IS NOT working fine. And if JA Developer mentioned otherwise its because he did not have a good look at all the issues.

    The support is lousy. No need to take it from me. Read the countless posts on this forum.
    And i DO demand support – it comes with the package!</blockquote>

    The last one who responded was JA developer, if you didnt take the time to answer to say you still have problems he will think its solved wich is quite normal.

    And yes it sometimes happends that people offer their help for money, this has nothing to do with JA.

    Further i think this attitude is not really helping you, i would have tried to help you out. But you cant DEMAND my free time so ill pass on this one 🙂

    sunrise Friend

    <em>@bennitos 134495 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Further i think this attitude is not really helping you, i would have tried to help you out. But you cant DEMAND my free time so ill pass on this one :)</blockquote>

    Hi there Bennitos,

    Just to say yes to that. Attitude:

    Someone said: “Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” maybe also our attitude towards others determines lothers’ attitude towards us.

    Another says: We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

    This is something to keep in mind in a forum as well. I think a more positive attitude will get you a lot further, lalaloo. Try it!

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi lalaloo

    I am terribly sorry for my delay.

    I would like to answer your questions as follows:

    I tried to change colours of tablemodulehilite2 h3 in css file, but its not working.

    => Open templates/ja_quillaja/css/template_css.css file, at about line 577, find following code:

    div.moduletable-hilite2 h3, div.moduletable h3 {
    margin:0 0 10px;

    Here you can change #333333 to your color
    ja_news mod. I added “2 columns” in mod.
    Its only showing 1 column.

    => I checked your configuration in ja news and saw that you only use a category. It is could not deploy in two columns.

    Please check the link for my configuration.

    I created a new mod using mod_janews_fp for each category. How do i force it to parse only articles for that category?

    => current this module does not support your idea. This module only gets all articles which allow to display on the frontpage.

    Please notice that if your issues are very urgent, you should submit a ticket.

    mj1256 Friend

    hey sunrise
    this is very good
    <blockquote>Someone said: “Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.” maybe also our attitude towards others determines lothers’ attitude towards us.

    Another says: We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes.”</blockquote>

    I also run an extensions site, and almost all of the tickets that are posted get no reply after i respond, because they usually figure things out for themselves. I have to assume that they are all set, event hough I am willing to help.

    the issues i do find come from messed up joomla installs and the personal skillsets of the customers. The exact same thing that happens here at JA. All of the quickstarts and templates work, but you do need to have basic skillsets and know how to work with and install joomla. (as with the color issue, easly solved with firebug),

    You also need to be on a good host that supports joomla and have relatively good connectivity, the upload speed is not a JA issue, that is related to your ISP and host. Many hosts throttle bandwidth. Also, a good host would let you upload the QS zip and expand it on the server.

    I’m not saying that JA does not have problems, just that one needs to see more of what is involved

    I also find that users are many times claiming bugs and issues when they are trying to get extensions/templates/joomla to do things they were not designed to do, just as posted in the reply above.

    scotty Friend

    <blockquote>I understand the setup you have here. You sell complicated templates that people with basic php knowledge have difficulty working thru.</blockquote>

    JA templates are probably some of lightest available. They are not at all complicated.

    <blockquote>Then you have a bunch of people rummaging the forum offering to help, for a price!</blockquote> Name and shame please! I think anyone touting for business via PM on these forums should be banned. People come here for support not to be hassled into paying someone extra to fix a problem.

    Last week someone offered to buy a link in my signature for £10. I refused. I see quang is the only one that has taken up the offer so far. Sad!

    bennitos Friend

    <em>@scotty 134826 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    Last week someone offered to buy a link in my signature for £10. I refused. I see quang is the only one that has taken up the offer so far. Sad!</blockquote>

    He asked the same thing here, not even worth a reply. sad indeed.

    Asking for user name and passwords for every problem even the smallest ones is a bit doggy aswell if you ask me.

    mfcphil Friend

    <blockquote>Name and shame please! I think anyone touting for business via PM on these forums should be banned. People come here for support not to be hassled into paying someone extra to fix a problem.</blockquote>

    I understand there are a couple of Freelancers operating here in the forum

    <blockquote>Last week someone offered to buy a link in my signature for £10. I refused. I see quang is the only one that has taken up the offer so far. Sad!</blockquote>

    I got asked this one and I value any free space on my website as worth far more than £10 >:(

    Phill Moderator

    I got the £10 offer too, what a sad thing.

    As for asking for passwords, it is something I really hate doing. If something goes wrong then who gets the blame? Having said that I have done on here for one regular.

    I provide support as a Developer over on Coppermine and I have never once asked for a logon there.

    You provide a “quickstart” package which lasts over 3 hours to upload…</blockquote>

    Surely that is a problem with your hosting or internet connection? Not really the fault of JA is it?

    TomC Moderator

    This kid needs to go outside and take a deep breath . . . adversarial rants and threats do not elicit helpful responses.

    mfcphil Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 134839 wrote:</em><blockquote>This kid needs to go outside and take a deep breath . . . adversarial rants and threats do not elicit helpful responses.</blockquote>

    Yep….I think I speak for everyone, we help when we can because we want to, not because we are told to 😉

    scotty Friend

    I’d have to agree with the OP a little here… if Tickets are being ignored I always find threads in the Pre-sales forum or any ‘Refund’ threads are usually responded to very fast by Hung. If I was being ignored I’d do the same thing. It’s like any business or service you have a grievance with.. if you shout loud enough you will be heard. OK he can’t take it out on the ‘volunteer’ support but he has achieved waht he set out to do which was get a response from JA staff.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 21 total)

This topic contains 21 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  bennitos 15 years, 3 months ago.

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