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  • karlgoddard Friend

    Hi all

    I’m trying to edit the position of the Slideshow in the content-mass-top position.

    At the moment I have it pretty much default with the slideshow at the left and a column at the right.

    What I’d like to have, if possible is to still have the slideshow at the top but positioned to the right hand side with a column to the left.

    I’d like any modules below the content-mass-top to remain as they are by default, ie ja-main-content to the left and a right column.

    Is this possible? If so can anyone tell me how to do it please?

    Many Thanks

    karlgoddard Friend

    I’ve looked into this and cant find an easy way to do it 🙁

    So is there any way I can keep the slideshow in its current position but have it the full width of the page?

    I’ve see then post to reposition the slideshow in the ‘top’ section but I want to keep it in the middle ‘content’ section but have it at full width and have the right column below it.

    Any ideas??


    ivan1012 Friend

    Having the same problem, i think we need to make a new module position above the content – mass top … i have seen a few sites who have managed to do that, the main problem for me is to find out what is the name of the .php file for the middle section. Adding new module position above the the content mass top should be really easy, after i found out this. Joomlart any comment?

    pixelzombie Friend

    Hi there,

    well it is possible to achieve what you want but you need to hard-code it.

    Why don’t you want to use the top block? Is it because of the styling you have applied to the middle block? Could you guys give a little more details about the result you want? Screenshots and a detailed description could help.

    I can give you all details how to achieve what you want if you can provide a little more info 😉



    ivan1012 Friend

    no problem .. I want to add a new module position after the header and before the content – mass – top and right module. I want it to be the full width of the template and not effected by the right module.

    1. screenshot1
    pixelzombie Friend

    one way is to add a block in the top section of your template layout

    <blocks name="top" style="xhtml">
    <block name="top-panel" type="modules" style="jaraw" main-inner="1">top-panel</block>
    <block name="header" type="header" main-inner="1"></block>
    <block name="topbar" type="topbar"></block>
    <block name="mainnav" type="mainnav"></block>
    <block name="cpanel" type="usertools/cpanel"></block>
    <block name="slideshow">slideshow</block>

    and publish the slideshow in the position “slideshow”.

    If you want to have it within you middle block you must hack the template a little bit.

    Move the slideshow block to the middle section

    <blocks name="middle" colwidth="22">
    <block name="slideshow">slideshow</block>
    <block name="content-mass-top" style="jaraw">content-mass-top</block>
    <block name="content-top" type="spotlight">user1,user2,user3</block>
    <block name="inset2">left</block>
    <block name="right2">right</block>

    Publish the slideshow in the position “slideshow” as mentioned above.

    Then copy
    to your templates folder
    and paste the code block into it as shown below

    <!-- MAIN CONTAINER -->
    <div id="ja-container" class="wrap <?php echo $this->getColumnWidth('cls_w')?$this->getColumnWidth('cls_w'):'ja-mf'; ?>">
    <?php $this->genBlockBegin ($this->getBlocksXML ('middle')) ?>

    if($this->hasBlock('slideshow')) :
    $block = &$this->getBlockXML ('slideshow');
    <div id="ja-slideshow" class="ja-slideshow clearfix">
    <?php $this->showBlock ($block); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <div id="ja-mainbody" style="width:<?php echo $this->getColumnWidth('mw') ?>%">
    <!-- CONTENT -->

    Then you have to style that block with your template.css with the selectors.

    That’s it 🙂 I know – it’s not that easy.

    ivan1012 Friend

    Great explanation! Worked like a charm! 🙂 Thank you!

    ivan1012 Friend

    I have one more question I hope you know. In my new module position I put a custom HTML module with the background of this earth doodle. And now becasue of module I’m having problems with this white border around the picture because in .css all modules have white background.

    I want to change that only this particular module has background colour of my choice, can you please tell me how to do that?

    If I change css than almost all boxes on site get the new background colour. Thank you….

    1. question
    pixelzombie Friend

    Hi ivan1012,

    can you please provide a url to your site? I just want to make shure that this is working:

    #ja-slideshow .moduletable {
    background: #new_color;



    ivan1012 Friend
    pixelzombie Friend

    The code above should work.

    #ja-slideshow .moduletable {
    background: #f8fafa !important;

    ivan1012 Friend

    working! tnx ! 🙂

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

This topic contains 12 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ivan1012 12 years, 11 months ago.

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