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  • unvacancier Friend


    I have an problem with the template :

    Internet Explorer 8.0.6601.18702 (Same with IE 11)

    IE 11 – 1920*1080 (24″ screen) and IE 8 – 1680*1050 (22″ screen) : it’s displayed in columns

    IE 8 – 1280*1024 (17″ screen) : It’s displayed right

    How is it possible to display like the 1280*1024 ?

    IE and Firefox not displayed the same screen :



    1. FFok
    2. IE8ko
    3. Capture1
    4. Capture2
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    To fix the responsive off but resized issue as well as to display like the 1280*1024 layout, you can follow these steps:

    + Open the plugins/system/t3/includes/core/template.php file


    else if($responsive && !$this->responcls){


    else if($responsive){

    + Open the templates/ja_mitius/less/variables.less file


    // Default 940px grid
    @T3gridWidth: 940px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.


    // Default 940px grid
    @T3gridWidth: 1280px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.

    + Go to Admin site -> Extensions -> Template Manager -> JA Mitius – Default -> click Responsive: OFF and click compile LESS to CSS button, see the screenshot

    1. purity_iii_custom
    unvacancier Friend


    I’ve found if($responsive && !$this->responcls){ but not else if($responsive && !$this->responcls){

    It’s not MITIUS but purity III
    , i think it’s the same for this two templates.

    But i can’t found

    // Default 940px grid
    @T3gridWidth: 940px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.

    Thanks for your reply.

    in variables.less i have only this :

    // Container sizes
    // --------------------------------------------------

    // Small screen / tablet
    @container-tablet: ((720px + @grid-gutter-width));
    @container-sm: @container-tablet;

    // Medium screen / desktop
    @container-desktop: ((940px + @grid-gutter-width));
    @container-md: @container-desktop;

    // Large screen / wide desktop
    @container-large-desktop: ((1140px + @grid-gutter-width));
    @container-lg: @container-large-desktop;

    unvacancier Friend

    I’ve finally found for the difference between internet explorer and firefox. By default on intranet website IE use the display compatibility. When i turn it off the website is OK.

    I just need now to disable the automatic resized.


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Glad that you figured it out.

    To disable the automatic resized, you can edit this file: plugins/system/t3/includes/core/template.php

    Line 853

    else if($responsive && !$this->responcls){


    else if($responsive){

    See the screenshot

    If you still need help on this, please put your site LIVE and pm me URL, admin and FTP account, I will help you out.

    1. code
    unvacancier Friend

    Thanks for your support, i only have this :

    When i change for else if($responsive){ the website is a white screen.

    1. Capture
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Your screenshot reveals that the change is not correct. It should be:

    For your convenience, I attach modified file here, simply extract and copy it into plugins/system/t3/includes/core/ folder.

    1. template
    1. template.zip
    unvacancier Friend

    Thanks for reply.

    It’s the same, i’d replaced template.php but it resized automatically.

    1. Capture
    2. Capture1
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I would need to take a closer look at your site. Please pm me URL, admin and FTP credentials of your site. I will help you out.

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