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  • jojo12 Friend

    Hi, I am using joomla 1.5.23 and ja_t3 framework 1.2.7 and ja_t3_blank 1.1.6.
    Since I’ve updated to this, I have the following problem I did not have before.
    And I don’t have it with other templates:
    I have a startpage which works well. When I click the logo, it’s ok, I come back to the startpage.
    But when I use the menu “start” or “home” in megamenu, I get “oops…”
    In the browsermenu I see “mypage.ch/.html”. That cannot work.

    How can I resolve that? Please help!

    (I like your template very much) !

    pritam Friend

    Hello jojo12 ,

    To to home does not work – Problem of ja_t3 framework

    Can you please provide your site url and admin access at http://support.joomlart.com/index.php?/Tickets/Ticket/View/78373 , So that we can help you better. , So that we can help you better.

    pritam Friend

    Hello jojo12 ,

    Regarding the issue menu “start” or “home” in megamenu

    Forbidden error means that your file has bad permissions. Directories and folders must be 755. Executable scripts within the cgi-bin folder must be 755. Images, media, and text files like HTML should be 755 or 644.You need to increase the permissions of your files with chmod.

    jojo12 Friend

    <em>@pritam 258942 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Forbidden error means that your file has bad permissions. .</blockquote>
    I did not speak about forbidden error. I don’t have an error 500 or something like that.
    The link who the program is lookin for is bad. It is http://www.mysite.ch/.html
    This cannot work.
    But when I use the other templates without changing any directories … even if I use ja_purity_ii then there is no problem!
    So I ask you: have you changed something in the new version from 2011-07-23, that could cause this problem. Because in the earlier version I did not have this problem.
    Why should I change the rights, when in other templates all works best?

    Phill Moderator

    Please roll back to the earlier version of the plugin while we investigate.

    jojo12 Friend

    My extension manager cannot roll back, and I don’t have the earlier version. Where I can find it?

    sal2010 Friend


    I have the same problem. how it solved!
    also when update Jat3 plug-in to new version. the badges disappeared
    any idea how to solve it?

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@sal2010 268201 wrote:</em><blockquote>HiI have the same problem. how it solved!also when update Jat3 plug-in to new version. the badges disappeared any idea how to solve it?</blockquote>Please roll back to the earlier version of the plugin.

    sal2010 Friend

    Thanks Phil
    I rolled back the to the 1.2.8 version of the Jat3 plugin
    it looks better for the first problem But still problem with missed badge icons
    I am using Jat3 framework+K2 +RTL language.
    I think the problem is that can,t load the icon-badge.png. when I disable it on the Firebug it look Ok. Mean than default-rtl is broken !

    .badge {

    now I want it to load the badge icons from the default not from the default-rtl as above

    Phill Moderator

    A link will really help us here.

    sal2010 Friend

    thank Phil

    This is the link
    the missed badge icons are in thefollowing positions: user2, user3, user4
    Will thankful for any ideas

    Phill Moderator

    The path is incorrect as the image is in /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/images/icon-badge.png wheres the css is pointing to /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default-rtl/images/icon-badge.png

    You can either edit that css accordingly or simply make a copy of that image from its location and put that copy where the code is looking for it.

    sal2010 Friend

    thanks phil

    I copied the image to the url where the code is looking for but without results!
    in which css file I can change the path to be correct?
    mean from: /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default-rtl/images/icon-badge.png
    to: /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/images/icon-badge.png

    n6rej Friend

    go into the .css ( you can find out which one by “inspect element with firebug” and edit the path in that .css file. It will tell you which line and in which file

    sal2010 Friend

    just want to know in which css is located this url: /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default-rtl/images/icon-badge.png
    I want to change it to : /plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/images/icon-badge.png
    I can’t locate it via Firebug

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