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  • peter hassoulas Friend

    In the front page demo of JA_sulfer ther are 3 articles:
    Curabitur convallis
    Lorem ipsum dolor ameto
    Welcome to JA Sulfur

    When you go to the article page there are two right side menus.

    When I create an article page I would like to add a side bar in which to display a menu as in the demo. I can’t figure out how.

    I havn’t been able to help myself. Can you help me?

    scotty Friend

    Hi Peter, are you talking about the ‘On this page’ menu? To get this menu you must set your menu system in your template manager to ‘Split menu’. This is a special feature that JA have added and is not part of a normal Joomla install.

    If you are not talking about this menu and just want a regular menu then first you must create your menu in the menu manager and then create a new (mod_mainmenu) module in the module manager and assign to the ‘right’ module position setting it to your new menu.

    peter hassoulas Friend

    Thanks for the reply Scotty.

    I went to Extensions>Template Manager>JA_Sulfer
    In the Parameters section, Under Menu Type>Main Menu it is set to Split Menu.
    There is no menu named ‘On this page’ nor ‘Hot Albums’
    http://www.joomlart.com/templates_demo.php?template=ja_sulfur is the page setup I’m looking for.
    I’ve installed all the test data for JS_Sulfur but I cant duplicate the sample article page.

    What don’t I get?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  peter hassoulas 15 years, 6 months ago.

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