You can change the (Roboto) google font in JA Fixel template to another font that supports Turkish Characters as follows:
+ Open the templates/ja_fixel/etc/assets.xml file and change Roboto in red:
+ Open the templates/ja_fixel/less/variables.less file, find and replace Roboto with new font at your choice:
baseFontFamily: 'Roboto', @sansFontFamily;
headingsFontFamily: 'Roboto', @sansFontFamily; // empty to use BS default, @BaseFontFamily
+ Open the templates/ja_fixel/less/megamenu.less file, find and replace Roboto with new font above.
// The caption
// -----------
.mega-caption {
color: @grayLight;
font-size: @T3smallFontSize;
margin-top: 3px;
font-weight: normal;
text-transform: none;
font-family: 'Roboto',sans-serif;
Once done, click Compile LESS to CSS button in Admin of JA Fixel Template