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  • Laong Duijndam Friend


    I’m Busy to install Hawkstore on my server,

    I have a problem with the links in the bar on top.

    We have there:

    Home, explore, j!pages, shop, blog and contact.

    From the roll down menus only Home works. The other ones don’t.

    What do I wrong

    Best regards Cees

    1. Desktop-Hawkstore1
    2. Desktop-Hawkstore2
    3. Desktop-Hawkstore3
    chavan Friend

    Every links on every menu dropdown works. I tried it. can you please advice me what exactly the issue is.

    Laong Duijndam Friend

    When you clicked in the roll down menu’s you get nothing:

    When you clicked on contact you get no contact info,

    When you clicked on shop>all categories you get a no categories, when you clicked on the category par example ชุดดรัมเมเยอร์ 1 you get nothing.

    When you clicked on J!Pages registration form you get nothing,

    When you clicked on explore> colors you get nothing.

    See Desktop Hawkstore 3.JPG in the first email.

    Kind regards Cees

    chavan Friend

    The Article category “skateboards” you selected in this menu “ชุดดรัมเมเยอร์ 1” /administrator/index.php?option=com_menus&view=item&layout=edit&id=493 was unpublish and so when you click on the link it was redirected to home page.

    I have enabled the Article Category in this link /administrator/index.php?option=com_categories&view=categories&extension=com_content

    the link works now

    Laong Duijndam Friend

    Dear Chavan,

    Thank you for your help, but unfortunately the problem is still there.

    I have disabled J!pages and Explorer.

    When you push on Contact you get nothing no contact page.

    When you push on SHOP > ALL CATEGORIES you don’t see the categories

    When you push one of the categories under all categories you get nothing.

    I have used as browser Firefox, Google Chrome and
    Explorer 9 the last one gives a complete deformed front page terrible to see

    I hope that you can help me

    Kindest regards Cees

    Laong Duijndam Friend

    Dear Chavan,

    I’m really surprised that you can see on my site that “Shop and Contact” works.

    I shall give you the solution;

    change your template back from “Hawkstore-HOME”to “Hawkstore-default”

    Then you really see that everything works.

    Regards Cees

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Laong Duijndam 10 years, 10 months ago.

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