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  • Hung Dinh Friend

    GSGallery is not developed by JA and what we did in the customized version included in the download area is some small changes in the CSS and HTML mark up. So we did not make any touch into the functionality of the component.

    It is our fault that we had not expected so many bugs of the RSGallery which is out of our hand.

    However, once we decide to include the gallery in the download, here is what we are going to do.

    1. We will fix as many as of bugs found in the versions provided in our download area
    2. Make a list of common issues when use the gallery
    3. Trying to contact with RSGallery developers to see if he can provide any assistance for the upcoming versions of RSGallery
    4. We refuse to support if you decide to use other version of RSGallery

    I will keep you updated though this thread when we release new fixed version of RSGallery.

    itgl72 Friend

    Thank you for your effort, much appreciated!

    Hung Dinh Friend

    I have put a list of common problem and FAQs of this template + RSgallery HERE
    I will release new version of GSGallery with some bugs fixes tomorrow

    lmlloyd Friend

    I have a problem not listed here. If I make any changes to the RSGallery2 database, like deleting a photo, or changing the order of photos, or moving a photo to another gallery, then the slider on the front page gets out of sync with the database. By that I mean that the picture shown on the slider does not correspond to the correct photo in the database.

    To be more specific, if I, for example, delete the picture that is in the 15th spot in the RSGallery2 database, then when the slider shows the picture that corresponds to item 17, and you click on it, the slider will take you instead to item 18. Clearly the slider is keeping its own listing of which photos correspond to which item, somewhere independent of the database, and generated at the time you upload the picture. I can fix the problem by deleting all the photos, and re-uploading them, but then as soon as I make any change to the gallery database, everything gets out of sync again downstream from the change. I can’t find where the Slider is getting the information as to which photo corresponds to which gallery page, so I can’t edit it.

    Could someone please let me know where this slider list resides, so I can at the very least manually edit it, or preferably, provide some code so the Slider accurately syncs to the database?

    Ok, so after looking at all the code I can find, and the database, I was able to straighten out all the galleries but one. The first gallery I added is still one entry off. In other words, if it shows the picture for the image that is in the 2 position in the gallery, then when I click on it, I will go to the page for the picture that is in the 3 position. Select picture number 10, and I will go to 11. Select 1, and I will go to 2. If I select the last item in the gallery, it will go to the first item. Everything is off by one in that gallery.

    lmlloyd Friend

    Ok, I have figured out WHAT is causing the problems I am having, what I can’t figure out is WHY it is happening.

    Here is the deal as best as I can figure it out. For each gallery to work properly, the items in the gallery need to be ordered from 1 on in full proper sequence. This is how the component behaves if you set the order in the image properties page that comes up if you click on the image name in the image manager. When you do this, you end up with each gallery having a 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on for the image order. However, if you use the arrows in the Image Manager, then it tries to number the image order as one pool of numbers across ALL the galleries, so you will have one gallery starting at 1, and another gallery starting at 15 and another gallery starting at 22 or something like that, because it will not let you have multiple items with the same order number. When this happens, the navigation controls at the bottom of the individual gallery pages will stop working properly. So, if you want the page navigation to work properly, you have to make sure to only order items by the order field in the actual image properties, not with the arrows.

    As far as the problems with the slider, that is even stranger, and even harder to work around. The slider seems to go, not by the order number, but by the position of the image entry in the rsgallery2_files database. So, as far as the slider is concerned, the first image in the the database, has to be the first image in the gallery, regardless of the number in the ordering field. As such, if you have the items in the gallery in any order other than the order they appear as entries in the rsgallery2_files database, then it will go to the wrong page when you click on it. I honestly don’t know why any of the code should care where the entry is in the actual database, since it should be reading the order number, or at least the ID number, not relying on the order they happen to be returned from an SQL query, but that is in fact what it is doing.

    All of these issues basically make the ordering features of RSGallery2 not only completely useless, but actually nothing more than a point of error. You cannot reorder your files, or the slider will get out of sync, and you also have to go in and reset the order every time you upload a new file to the database, or the controls on the individual pages will stop working properly, since the program will automatically try and give the image the next available number for all galleries, thus reordering them all so that there are no shared numbers. As a result, you end up with a ‘feature’ that gives you no usable functionality, and is almost guaranteed to cause errors at some point.

    I suspect this issue is at the core of all the RSGallery2 issues you are seeing on the site. I thought I would post this, since I have yet to see any definitive answers as to what is causing the issues, and don’t even know if the support staff here has figured out where the problem lies yet.

    bwkeyboardman Friend

    Hung Dinh,

    Thanks so much for your great efforts and work!

    I’ve looked but have not found a ready answer for this. Do the new RSGallery2 modules as well as the modified component only work with Joomla 1.5?


    seandiggins Friend

    I’m about to build a large gallery site using this template. The logo, branding and other framework is already done, but I havent started working on the gallery yet. I’m hoping some of the major problems will be fixed soon.

    The problems people are experiencing with RS Gallery are giving me nightmares and I’m seriously considering dumping Avian II and starting again with another template. I cant afford customer complaints.

    Hung, you were going to release an updated version of the gallery? Is that still planned?



    itgl72 Friend

    <em>@lmlloyd 46186 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    All of these issues basically make the ordering features of RSGallery2 not only completely useless, but actually nothing more than a point of error. You cannot reorder your files, or the slider will get out of sync, and you also have to go in and reset the order every time you upload a new file to the database, or the controls on the individual pages will stop working properly, since the program will automatically try and give the image the next available number for all galleries, thus reordering them all so that there are no shared numbers. As a result, you end up with a ‘feature’ that gives you no usable functionality, and is almost guaranteed to cause errors at some point.</blockquote>

    FIRST LET ME SAY… JA has fixed some bugs since I joined the club, but… This SLIDER issue is a tough one to over look and launch the website I am working on despite it. The only way for me to launch and avoid these issues is to go to slider ADMIN screen and select LINKED IMAGES to “NO” which removes functionality, but functionality that is broken anyway.

    This is unfortunate, and I feel very disappointed in this template and its functionality. I joined this club mainly for this template and gallery and from the public forums I could not tell the issues that would be facing me when I subscribed.

    I join a template club to get quality templates, not to do this much more work. Now I can live with extra work if the end game is success but this is beyond my skill set.

    The SLIDER seems to work OK until you start DELETING images then for some reason it loses track of what’s happening and doesn’t link up the slider on the front page with the pictures in the gallery.

    Now I’m stuck, my template is just about ready to be released and this SLIDER issue is going to render the website crippled.

    I’m very disappointed and I actually feel bad for the JA staff for taking on this project. I’m pretty sure they didn’t bargain for having this many issues with someone else’s product when they worked to integrate it with their own.

    I would love a rapid solution because I need to move on to other projects.

    maxmmize Friend


    Thank you for your work.

    I bought this membership just for the RSGallery template. Cool stuff.

    My navigation in the actual gallery is displaying to the right if the image instead of beneath the image.

    I am running Joomla 1.015 (upgrade) and your template/com

    I cannot seem to get the nav below the picture the way it should be. I tried since last night around 11 PST. Any help?

    <?php defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); ?>

    global $Itemid, $_gid, $my, $database;
    //Get limit count
    $database->setQuery("SELECT value FROM #__rsgallery2_config WHERE name='display_thumbs_maxPerPage'");
    $_limit = $database->loadResult();

    $_gid = rsgInstance::getInt( 'gid', 0 );
    $toollink = "index.php?option=com_rsgallery2&Itemid=$Itemid".($_gid ? '&gid='.$_gid : '');
    //Show My Galleries link

    //Show introduction text
    <div class="componentheading"><?php echo ($this->gallery->row['name'] ? $this->gallery->row['name'] : $rsgConfig->get('intro_text'));?></div>

    <div id="rsg2-tool">
    <ul id="rsg2-toollinks">

    if ($this->gallery->row['name']) {
    <li><div class="rsg2-slideshow-links"><a href="#" onclick="slideshow();return false;" title="View in slideshow">Slideshow</a></div></li>
    <?php } ?>
    if ($rsgConfig->get('show_mygalleries') && $my->id) {
    <li><div class="rsg2-mygalleries-links"><a href="<?php echo sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_rsgallery2&page=my_galleries&Itemid=$Itemid");
    ?>">My Galleries</a></div></li>
    //Show limitbox
    if( @$this->pageNav ):
    <div class="rsg2-pagenav-limitbox">
    <?php echo $this->pageNav->writeLimitBox($toollink); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    if (@count($this->kids)) {
    <div id="rsg2-main" class="clearfix">
    foreach( $this->kids as $kid ):
    <div class="rsg_galleryblock">
    <div class="rsg2-galleryList-status"><?php echo $kid->status;?></div>
    <div class="rsg2-galleryList-thumb">
    <span class="rsg2-galleryList-text"><?php echo $kid->galleryName;?><div class="rsg2-galleryList-text" align="left"><span class='rsg2-galleryList-newImages'>
    <sup><?php if( $this->gallery->hasNewImages() ) echo _RSGALLERY_NEW; ?></sup></span><br /><br /><?php echo $kid->thumbHTML; ?> </div>


    <div class="rsg_sub_url_single">
    <?php $this->_subGalleryList( $kid ); ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
    <div class="clr"></div>

    if( $this->pageNav ):
    <span><div class="rsg2-pageNav" align="bottom">
    <?php echo $this->pageNav->writePagesLinks("index.php?option=com_rsgallery2&Itemid=$Itemid");
    echo "<p>".$this->pageNav->writePagesCounter()."</p>"; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    lmlloyd Friend

    <em>@itgl72 47915 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    The SLIDER seems to work OK until you start DELETING images then for some reason it loses track of what’s happening and doesn’t link up the slider on the front page with the pictures in the gallery.

    Now I’m stuck, my template is just about ready to be released and this SLIDER issue is going to render the website crippled.

    I’m very disappointed and I actually feel bad for the JA staff for taking on this project. I’m pretty sure they didn’t bargain for having this many issues with someone else’s product when they worked to integrate it with their own.

    I would love a rapid solution because I need to move on to other projects.</blockquote>

    Here is a really annoying and labor-intensive workaround, but it will work. First, after deleting an image, or moving an image, or making any change to the database, make sure all the images in each of your galleries are numbered sequentially from 1 up for each gallery. Then do an SQL query of the entire database, with no sorting, and take note of the order the images are in the database. Now, make sure that they are in the same order in their gallery that they appear in the unsorted database, and the slider should work as expected. I can’t figure out why it uses the order of appearance in the unsorted database, instead of sorting them by their order number, but that is what it does.

    It makes for a really ugly bit of maintenance every time you remove something from the gallery, but it should work. I really wish someone from support would respond to this problem, because this is clearly just an issue of a malformed SQL query somewhere in the slider code, which should be rather easy to fix, however I don’t know enough about this code, or SQL query structure for that matter, to fix it.

    itgl72 Friend

    <em>@lmlloyd 48185 wrote:</em><blockquote>Here is a really annoying and labor-intensive workaround, but it will work. First, after deleting an image, or moving an image, or making any change to the database, make sure all the images in each of your galleries are numbered sequentially from 1 up for each gallery. Then do an SQL query of the entire database, with no sorting, and take note of the order the images are in the database. Now, make sure that they are in the same order in their gallery that they appear in the unsorted database, and the slider should work as expected. I can’t figure out why it uses the order of appearance in the unsorted database, instead of sorting them by their order number, but that is what it does.

    It makes for a really ugly bit of maintenance every time you remove something from the gallery, but it should work. I really wish someone from support would respond to this problem, because this is clearly just an issue of a malformed SQL query somewhere in the slider code, which should be rather easy to fix, however I don’t know enough about this code, or SQL query structure for that matter, to fix it.</blockquote>

    Hi lmlloyd, sure we can do this. But we paid for a product that works, not for a product that needs us to jump through hoops to function. For the time being I have disabled links to the pictures. Needless to say I’m upset about the purchase, but will make do with it.

    lmlloyd Friend

    <em>@itgl72 48212 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi lmlloyd, sure we can do this. But we paid for a product that works, not for a product that needs us to jump through hoops to function. For the time being I have disabled links to the pictures. Needless to say I’m upset about the purchase, but will make do with it.</blockquote>

    I agree with you 100%. I was not trying to excuse the problem, just trying to help out from my experience in getting my own site to work.

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi all.
    If have problems, you can pm me, I will try to help you.

    itgl72 Friend

    <em>@nguoiabcd 48333 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi all.
    If have problems, you can pm me, I will try to help you.</blockquote>

    Thats very brave of you. But arent the posts in the forum enough to get started?

    maxmmize Friend

    Does anyone know how to make 3 galleries appear in the array as opposed to the two?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 66 total)

This topic contains 66 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  ccmalken 15 years, 7 months ago.

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