I am testing both the “Feeds” feature and the “Export Job Data” feature. Please see both issues:
1) In the feeds section, it is not showing new jobs. Take a look at this link: http://www.multifamilyinsiders.com/index.php?option=com_jajobboard&view=jafeeds&layout=rss&cid%5B%5D=9&alias=all-jobs-posted-7days-ago&type=2.0&name=All%20jobs%20posted%20last%207%20days&job_number=20&cache=3600&description=All%20jobs%20posted%20last%207%20days&order_by=rdate&html=0&image=0&effected_date=7
The the most recent job shown on that page is from May 29th, but we’ve had jobs posted since then.
2) The feeds set up in “Export Job Data” also don’t seem to be refreshing/updating. Here is a feed I set up, and you’ll see that it is also only showing older jobs: http://www.multifamilyinsiders.com/images/stories/jbuploads/22ApartmentJobsFeed.xml