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  • litesvcs Friend

    Hello, I would like to translate the User Gallery Module. Where can i find and translate VIEW ALL Button in User Gallery. ?

    1. Screenshot_4
    Saguaros Moderator


    You can open the file: [root]/templates/ja_hotel/acm/gallery/tmpl/list.php

    Look for the line of code which has View All text:

    <?php if($section_link): ?><a href="<?php echo $section_link; ?>" class="btn btn-border">View all</a><?php endif; ?>

    change it to:

    <?php if($section_link): ?><a href="<?php echo $section_link; ?>" class="btn btn-border"><?php echo JText::_('TPL_VIEW_ALL'); ?></a><?php endif; ?>

    Then define the language text in language file of template on your site:

    TPL_VIEW_ALL                    = "View all"

    If you’re using English, it will be the file: [root]/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_hotel.ini


    litesvcs Friend


    Thank you for the information. I want to have 2 languages EN and RU for website. The Russian should be at : [root]/language/ru-RU/ru-RU.tpl_ja_hotel.ini ?

    Thank you

    Saguaros Moderator

    That’s right!

    litesvcs Friend

    Hi, How to translate VIEW ALL for newly created ACM module "Featured Tours and Activities" and "Top Places" ? Would all acm automatically changed?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Kindly check in backend of your site and see which type of ACM module you’re using for ‘Top Places’ and Featured Tours and Activities modules, then you apply the same solution as above.

    For example with ‘Top Places’ module, it’s JA ACM – Magazine – Featured News : Grid type, you open this file: [root]/templates/ja_hotel/acm/news-featured/tmpl/grid.php and change the text View All as above.

    litesvcs Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Saguaros Moderator

    You can create that file if it doesn’t exist and add your translated text there.

    litesvcs Friend


    How to translate also the word "Photos" ? in the same Module User Gallery?

    1. Screenshot_8
    litesvcs Friend


    Also i would like to know where can i find string to translate "Read More" at "Featured Hotels: The button was originally named by default "BOOK NOW" and we renamed it to "Read More" where can we translate it to Russian?

    1. Screenshot_9
    Saguaros Moderator


    Kindly check the translated text for English: [root]/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_hotel.ini

    and see how the text is translated and copy that text to language file of Russian.

    For example, with the ‘Photos’ text, you can see it’s defined in ‘en-GB.tpl_ja_hotel.ini’


    copy this to ru-RU.tpl_ja_hotel.ini

    TPL_NUMBER_PHOTOS_OF_SLIDESHOW  ="%d Your-own-text-here"

    With the ‘Readmore’ in Featured Hotel module (Book Now text in original), you can open the file: [root]/templates/ja_hotel/acm/solidres/tmpl/style-1.php

    Look for the line of code which you already changed the text from Book now to Readmore:

    <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" class="btn btn-default"><span>Book now</span></a>

    and change it to:

    <a href="<?php echo $link; ?>" class="btn btn-default"><span><?php echo JText::_('TPL_READ_MORE'); ?></span></a>

    and do the same as above.

    litesvcs Friend


    Everything is working fine. Thank you for the details explanation.

    I have something else which remain to be translated. Can you help on that? I need to translate "Room Choices"

    Thank you

    1. Screenshot_11
    Saguaros Moderator


    How can I have that text show? I don’t see in our demo site: http://ja-hotel.demo.joomlart.com/index.php/en/hotels

    litesvcs Friend

    It is "Room & Rates" which was renamed Room Choices
    Thank you

    litesvcs Friend

    Apart from the issue mentioned above, i have problem with Tags. Can bot be translated and assign to Russian Language. I have tried different ways but with no success. Shall i open onother ticket for that.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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