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  • sitemistic4746 Developer

    The Demo for Teline V is impressive. Looked like just what I needed. That’s why I sunk $300 into it.

    But…there are so many incompatibilities with other extensions and so many workarounds required to just make things work as expected, that I’ve decided to give up. I’ve been using Joomla for years and never found anything as frustrating as this template. It feels like I’m fighting with an early Beta.

    Joomlart needs to remove this template from their site until they fix all the issues with it.

    I’m going back to Gavick.


    ssinha Friend

    Jim, I totally share your feelings except I am not yet ready to give up on this template. That is because only last August we switched from our old template to JA teline IV. With no rush to switch, we are taking our time to learn and customize this template on localhost and hopefully, by August or so, it would be ready for a switch-over.

    But there is no doubt this template is the most frustrating template I have ever come across. Simple things like adding a module variation is a nightmare for people like us who are not programmers. Attaching modules to ‘All Menu’ is not exactly what we are accustomed to. All Menu doesn’t mean All Menu in this template. Everything has to be customized at the CSS or PHP level. I have yet to figure out how to attach modules in Category/Blog menu sidebar in either default or Magazine template. There are just so many issues and because we are still on localhost, asking for help in the forum is pretty much pointless. Documentation is incomplete and sometimes even confusing. Module positions are not defined (or named) properly, just to name a few.

    This is not to say that I haven’t received help from the JA experts. In fact, I have and I thank them for that but then with the sudden disappearance of the forum, we are pretty much back to square one. I hope JA takes my comment as constructive criticism and work to improve this template which, I must admit, is simply gorgeous.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @sitemistic4746 & @ssinha,

    Thanks for your advice and suggestion, could you please let me know the problem you’re getting so I can assist you better ?

    In addition, if you could do me a favor by list out your problem with other extension so I can recheck and fix if necessary, it would helps a lots.

    ssinha Friend

    Thanks for your reply Adam. I am listing here some of the issues that I am facing. This is just a general post to give you an idea. Later, as I resolve each of these issues one at a time, I will open a separate thread for the other ones.

    1. Before the forum crashed, I was given a solution to expand the width of the sidebar so it matched with the width of the sidebar on the frontpage of the demo. After implementing that solution, while all my article pages are now the same width as the frontpage in the demo as desired, when I click on a Menu (like News), I get a narrow sidebar (that is, if I choose the ‘Default’ template in the Menu) where you cannot put a module that is, say, wider than 250 pixel.

    It happens with all menu, regardless whether they are Mega Menu or just simple Category/Blog menu.

    On the other hand, if I choose ‘Magazine’ template in the menu setting, I don’t get any sidebar at all and the blog is spread edge to edge from left to right.

    So to sum it up, I would like to have wider sidebar on ALL pages just like it is on the frontpage of the demo.

    2. Let’s say there’s a module on sidebar but I want to move it to, say, footer2 and assign the module to ‘All Menu’. That doesn’t always work. I have made sure the module is in published state and yet it won’t show anywhere on any page.

    3. My biggest gripe – only partial documentation on module positions and their naming convention (news-home, news-art, news-health etc.) What does the word ‘news’ mean here and where are their locations in the template? Do I have to create a special kind of Menu to utilize these positions? I don’t see these positions anywhere in the Template/Layout setting.

    4. Related to the last one, why no clear explanation of module variations that are available in this template? In previous template demos, both module positions and module variations were all clearly explained in articles included with the template. Alas, not with this template.

    5. I like the left side in article pages where typography and social media buttons are. However, in some pages, I would like not to have them at all. How can I get rid of them?

    6. In articles, I have yet to find out the relevance of Intro image and Full Article Image. I put a smaller image in the intro image field and a larger version of the same image in the Full Article Image field but on article pages, it always shows the stretched intro image and totally disregards the image that is in the Full Article Image field. Not sure if it’s a Joomla 3 glitch or the template’s.

    7. If I turn on ‘Read More’ in the Menu/Options, I get the following message in the article pages: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$readmore in templatesja_teline_vhtmllayoutsjoomlacontentitemdefault.php on line 116.

    As a result, I have to turn Read More off in the menu setting.

    As far as the plugins are concerned, I am not sure about them because I think most third party plugins that I am currently using are not designed for Joomla 3 so I am not worried about them as yet. Once I get the template customized to my choice, I will upgrade these plugins to J3 compatible and see what happens.

    Anyway, these are the problems that I can recall right now. I realize that sometimes it’s hard to help without seeing the problem in action but if you, or anyone else, could help me with any of the above, I sure would appreciate. Thanks.

    ssinha Friend

    SOLVED the first point:

    Open templatesja_teline_vtplsblocksmainbody.php

    Change line 12 from

    $mainwidth = $hasSidebar ? ‘ col-md-9’ : ‘ col-md-12’;
    $mainwidth = $hasSidebar ? ‘ col-lg-8’ : ‘ col-md-12’;

    and then, changed line 40 from

    <div class=”t3-sidebar t3-sidebar-right col-md-3 <?php $this->_c($sidebar) ?>”>
    <div class=”t3-sidebar t3-sidebar-right col-lg-4 <?php $this->_c($sidebar) ?>”>

    Then make sure to choose JA Teline V – Default in the Template Style in Menu.

    Note: I had earlier made exact change in the templatesja_teline_vtplsblocksmainbody-magazine.php except the line numbers are different in it. I believe it was Saguaros who had earlier helped me with this before the forum crashed. Thanks Saguaros.

    sitemistic4746 Developer

    The problem with these hacks to the php template files is that everything will have to be redone after the next update of the template. It gives me bad memories of the Joomla 1.5 days. I guess that’s o.k. if you never plan to update the template; but, this one desperately needs updating.

    ssinha Friend

    Can’t argue with that. It already happened to me once when the first Teline V update came. JA should figure out a better way to customize minor changes. However, in their defense, it is nearly impossible to think of all the possible permutations- combinations, likes and dislikes, and personal preferences that webmasters may want in a template. At some level, I guess you have no choice but to go with these hard-coded hacks to achieve the desired result.

    sitemistic4746 Developer

    A lot of the hacks I see happening are simply to get back basic Joomla functionality that the template breaks. The ACM module is a great idea; but, if you are going to put a module that aspires to be a CCK between the user and Joomla, you need to make sure it offers extensive settings to give the administrator those options in the module. Otherwise, you have crippled Joomla, rather than extended it.

    Adam M Moderator

    Hi @ssinha,

    Many thanks for taking your time to let us know about your suggestion. I made a discussion directly with our development team about all these matters so they can arrange a plan to fix / improve the template to suite your need. If you still have any advice, idea in mind, don’t hesitate to let me know, we always glad to have you here.


    We are always pursue “simplicity” but sometimes we need to trade off for features. The gap is always there, and our mission is to assist you whenever you need our help.

    Actually, I must admit that there are some “real problems” in JA Teline V but we’re still improving it to adapt your need. After all, our goal is to provide a product that you can use for your work, not something fancy but not useful.

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