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  • leogomez Friend

    I installed the template on http://new.gla.cr

    The scrolling does not work nor does the keyboard. Meaning when on a specific section I have more than 4 articles, where I should be able to use either the arrows on the actual physical keyboard, I get nothing.

    Also the “helps” version does not work. Both things did happen at the same moment.

    I have tried a number of things, and even ended up testing a completely fresh installation on http://leogomez.com/test/ (same server) and got the same problem.

    Any ideas?

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi leogomez,

    Please check again your server setting.
    The php native function ‘addslashes’ does not work as expected on your server.

    It return a single quote instead of a backslash ().

    for example.
    addslashes(“Is your name O’reilly?”) should return Is your name O’reilly?
    but on your server, it return Is your name O”reilly?

    I have change the language file to remove single quote in string temporary.
    Your site is working: http://new.gla.cr/index.php/en/featured-articles

    Please contact your hosting server to check for this issue.


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Wall Crasher 11 years ago.

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