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  • rhys_daniels Friend


    I want to stop Google and other bots from caching the website. I have been told that the following code needs entering:


    The best place i know is to put this in the template to stop any of the files being cached. Does anyone know where to place it on JA S II Light?

    Anonymous Moderator

    Dear rhys_daniels,

    You can add this script into head tag of templates/ja_sanidine/index.php file.

    Hope it helps.

    rhys_daniels Friend

    <em>@JA Developer 94050 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dear rhys_daniels,

    You can add this script into head tag of templates/ja_sanidine/index.php file.

    Hope it helps.</blockquote>


    Thanks for the response. Can you tell me if i have placed the above code in the correct place of the index.php file?


    <jdoc:include type=”head” />
    <?php JHTML::_(‘behavior.mootools’); ?>

    Anonymous Moderator

    Yes, rhys_daniels.

    rhys_daniels Friend

    <em>@rhys_daniels 94147 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi

    Thanks for the response. Can you tell me if i have placed the above code in the correct place of the index.php file?


    <jdoc:include type=”head” />
    <?php JHTML::_(‘behavior.mootools’); ?></blockquote>

    <em>@JA Developer 94265 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yes, rhys_daniels.</blockquote>


    i placed the relevant code where suggested but it still gets cached in search engines. Looking at the source code from IE on the main page there is a line of code suggesting to cache the site. However when i look in the template file you said to edit it is not present.

    Help weould be apreciated

    mj1256 Friend

    its my understanding that these tags will be mostly ignored.

    you should find out for sure by posting at the

    bigrk Friend

    Interesting link! I have never come across this one before. Thanks!

    ShannonN Friend


    i placed the relevant code where suggested but it still gets cached in search engines. Looking at the source code from IE on the main page there is a line of code suggesting to cache the site. However when i look in the template file you said to edit it is not present.

    Help weould be apreciated

    If you have turned the built in Joomla cache in the admin panel or if you have turned your server caching on via host cpanel etc. It will add a line of code at runtime saying to cache, that is when the content is called and displayed by joomla. That would explain the sudden appearence of an additional piece of code when the page is run/called etc

    Least ways that’s my understanding, or there may be some code added by your host regardless? If cache is on in site admin settings turn it off and test the code output ( refresh the browser cache first) I hope this info is accurate ( I have been known to wrong, once in a while) and is helpful

    Merry Christmas, Rhys


    mj1256 Friend

    While you are on the subject of caching, it is sometimes required to disable caching by the proxy servers or by the browsers themselves. The options are :
    <meta HTTP-EQUIV=”Pragma” Content=”no-cache”>
    <meta HTTP-EQUIV=”cache-control” content=”no-cache”>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV=”Expires” CONTENT=”Sat Jun 07 00:00:00 1980″>

    ShannonN Friend

    mj1256;96702While you are on the subject of caching, it is sometimes required to disable caching by the proxy servers or by the browsers themselves. The options are :
    <meta HTTP-EQUIV=”Pragma” Content=”no-cache”>
    <meta HTTP-EQUIV=”cache-control” content=”no-cache”>
    <META HTTP-EQUIV=”Expires” CONTENT=”Sat Jun 07 00:00:00 1980″>

    That’s a good point, but I find more and more these days less use of proxy servers in a lot of areas, it would be interesting to see states on how effective or used are a lot of the Meta tag parameters given the forward delevopments in a lot of browsers ( excepy IE) heard there is a new I.E security bug that allows hackers access security experts here tell ppl to use FF or Opera hee hee
    Cheers ShannonN

    rhys_daniels Friend

    <em>@ShannonN 96518 wrote:</em><blockquote>If you have turned the built in Joomla cache in the admin panel or if you have turned your server caching on via host cpanel etc. It will add a line of code at runtime saying to cache, that is when the content is called and displayed by joomla. That would explain the sudden appearence of an additional piece of code when the page is run/called etc

    Least ways that’s my understanding, or there may be some code added by your host regardless? If cache is on in site admin settings turn it off and test the code output ( refresh the browser cache first) I hope this info is accurate ( I have been known to wrong, once in a while) and is helpful

    Merry Christmas, Rhys


    Hi ShannonN

    I just had a look at what was suggested. The Joomla Cache is off and i have looked in the Cpanel but cant find such option for any type of caching.

    rhys_daniels Friend

    <em>@mj1256 96431 wrote:</em><blockquote>its my understanding that these tags will be mostly ignored.

    you should find out for sure by posting at the</blockquote>

    Some interesting search engine posts. Cheers mj1256

    Do we know the answer though?

    mj1256 Friend

    I have two clients using proxy servers, just can’t get them to change,

    anyways, from my experience, google especially ignores meta tags, They have been misused to death over the years so google and a few others just ignore them. But, that said, spam them, abuse them, or use too many, and you may/will suffer penalties. when they see a list of metas beyond the normal keywords and description, the SE’s smell manipulation, and although no one reads the terms of service, any overt attempts to manipulate the SE’s will result in penalties and even banning. And I have seen it happena and I have several clients that has it happen and I had to fix it.

    Google has also been know to ignore the noindex, no follow tag as well as the robots.txt directives. remember, their mission is to index EVERY page on the web.

    The secret to indexing is keyword placement and percentage in relation to total text. Not meta tags. Put your keyword phrases in the right places, in the right format, and the right weight, and bingo, you score. Its really that easy.

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