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  • henrik larsen Friend

    Dear Joomlart

    I’m creating a website with recipes that take into account that people have a disability that is. that cooking times will be significantly extended. 😉

    In this context, I need a website desing which also takes into account that guests have a motor disability, I’m out in the use of mega menu, but otherwise is a little blank on which design is best to use for recipes – I’ve looked at your resturant design, but it does not live up to my expectations. :((

    I use YooRecipe, see more here http://extensions.yoorock.fr/download/yoorecipe/yoorecipe-all-in-one-pack what would recommend me to use.

    Thank you in advance and still good today. 😀

    Henrik Larsen

    PS. The site name is http://www.handifood.dk

    Anonymous Moderator

    <em>@henrik larsen 325756 wrote:</em><blockquote>Dear Joomlart

    I’m creating a website with recipes that take into account that people have a disability that is. that cooking times will be significantly extended. 😉

    In this context, I need a website desing which also takes into account that guests have a motor disability, I’m out in the use of mega menu, but otherwise is a little blank on which design is best to use for recipes – I’ve looked at your resturant design, but it does not live up to my expectations. :((

    I use YooRecipe, see more here http://extensions.yoorock.fr/download/yoorecipe/yoorecipe-all-in-one-pack what would recommend me to use.

    Thank you in advance and still good today. 😀

    Henrik Larsen

    PS. The site name is http://www.handifood.dk</blockquote>

    Hi Henrik,

    Thanks for sharing your thought with us. Glad to know that you have the idea of the recipe site for the disability. 🙂 We don’t have any template for the disability yet. JA Bistro <http://www.joomlart.com/joomla/templates/ja-bistro&gt; is the only J!2.5 template that we have for recipes. Our template can work with many different extensions, you can install the extensions you need on our site. However, all the custom work requires to extend the features of our templates is subjected to be done by the users. Our technical support is dedicated on technical, bugs fix and general advice for using the products only. Hope that helps. Keep up the good work!

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