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  • adrew Friend

    I’ve editted default_form.php, search.php in the admin folder, mod_search.php, and every other file that google says to change, but still am limited at 20 characters.

    Did I miss something obvious? Thanks.


    Sherlock Friend

    Dear adrew,

    In the setting of the search module you have a field of Box Width ,it’s value is 20,you can enter the module back-end and change this value.

    adrew Friend

    That’s the box width, not the number of characters, which is what we need changed to the order of about 50

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear adrew,

    You can try as following
    Copy the folder of pluginssystemjat3base-themesdefaulthtmlmod_search and put it into the folder of templatesja_teline_iii_v2html
    Open the file templatesja_teline_iii_v2htmldefault.php,Look for this
    [PHP] $output = ‘<input name=”searchword” id=”mod_search_searchword” maxlength=”20″ class=”inputbox’.$moduleclass_sfx.'” type=”text” size=”‘.$width.'” value=”‘.$text.'” onblur=”if(this.value==”) this.value=”.$text.”;” onfocus=”if(this.value==”.$text.”) this.value=”;” />’;[/PHP]

    Change it to
    [PHP] $output = ‘<input name=”searchword” id=”mod_search_searchword” maxlength=”20″ class=”inputbox’.$moduleclass_sfx.'” type=”text” size=”‘.$width.'” value=”‘.$text.'” onblur=”if(this.value==”) this.value=”.$text.”;” onfocus=”if(this.value==”.$text.”) this.value=”;” />’;[/PHP]

    Now you just need to change the Box Width in the module back-end and it would help.

    adrew Friend

    That still doesn’t help any. That only changes the width of the box (which is 50 characters already), we want to change the maxlength of the field. I’ve changed the maxlength=”20″ to maxlength=”50″ in the default.php, as well as several other files, and still no change.

    Phill Moderator

    You seem to be missing something as your output still shows

    Search </label>
    <input name="searchword" id="mod_search_searchword" maxlength="20" class="inputbox" type="text" size="35" value="search..." onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='search...';" onfocus="if(this.value=='search...') this.value='';" /><input type="submit" value="Search" class="button"/> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_search" />

    Please pm me ftp details and I will see if I can fix this for you. I will probably need an admin logon too just to clear caches.

    Phill Moderator

    Thanks for the logon. It is the first time I have used webdav and my win box didn’t like it so I had to use a linux box. Got there in the end.

    I have created the file templates>ja_teline_iii_v2>html>mod_search>default.php for you and set maxlength to 50 so you can now put 50 chars in your search box. Hopefully that is what you want.

    adrew Friend

    Thank you thank you thank you!

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This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  adrew 13 years, 10 months ago.

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