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  • hdfilm Friend

    Hi again folks.
    I Have been trying to setup and modify the ja-news sections to the right place.
    When i click the section box I want to jump into the right category.

    Here I show you with red arrows where I want to end up by clicking the boxes:

    After trying and playing arouns for some hours with the menu’s, sections and category setup in admin – joomla. Nothing seem to go my way.

    So after those hours, I find this one(see below).

    Do I have to set mod_sections to menu assigment to the right spot? I see the default is set to None. Is this the right thing to do?

    hdfilm Friend

    I also see that the menu item in magazine can only be set to one section. So therefore it can’t be assigned to multiple categories in one section. ๐Ÿ™

    I think, just trying on my own here ๐Ÿ™‚

    Sherlock Friend

    DO you have any successful?

    hdfilm Friend

    Not any progress with this. I’m still trying to figure it out….

    hdfilm Friend

    Does anyone know where to control and point the ja-news sections to categories?
    I have searched and tried to figure out where the code is that control those grey-boxes to categories instead of sections.

    try again to thank anyone in advance…

    anaivelisse Friend

    Are you using the JA Zin plugin? Is yes, you need to go to the plugin administrator and select UPDATE SETTING>> YES to refresh the changes in your menu.

    hdfilm Friend

    <em>@anaivelisse 63416 wrote:</em><blockquote>Are you using the JA Zin plugin? Is yes, you need to go to the plugin administrator and select UPDATE SETTING>> YES to refresh the changes in your menu.</blockquote>
    I’ยจm using JA Zin plugin, and yes I have checked out update settings=>yes=>save.
    All that is done.

    But the ones I have circled out with red in the pic under, those links into sections and not categories.

    I want those linked to categories.

    anaivelisse Friend

    Check your JA News module administration to verify if you have selected “categories” in the parameters box.

    hdfilm Friend

    <em>@anaivelisse 63439 wrote:</em><blockquote>Check your JA News module administration to verify if you have selected “categories” in the parameters box.</blockquote>

    Did that too, but then it was gone from the front page… If I choose categories in the parameters it goes away from the front page.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  hdfilm 16 years, 6 months ago.

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