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  • esdigital Friend


    I’m using joomla 1.5 and virtuemart 1.1.4 and have published the featured products to right module of ja villadi. Unfortunately there is a big gap between the text and the image. Inspecting it, I get that the height for sectiontableentry1 and sectiontableentry2 is 77px but I cant find this entry in any code, be it joomla, virtuemart or the template. I need to make this about 45px to look right.

    Any ideas?

    site is at http://www.ccsunlimited.com

    Much appreciated

    Saguaros Moderator

    Which the module you use? i try to find and souce code of all files in the template of vitual mart, i could not find codes same as yours

    esdigital Friend

    i used virtuemart featured products module. one that comes with virtuemart 1.1.4

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  esdigital 15 years ago.

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