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  • juansolos Friend

    it seems, a location or a category in the multiselect fields (profil form, filter module, …) can’t be seelcted if it contain a single quote (‘).
    I add a backslash just before and i can select it but the backslash is not hidden.

    So i have something like :
    “L’art” cant be selected
    “L’art” can be selected but you see the backslash

    Any help please?


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend

    Please PM me FTP credentials of your site and URL to the error page, I’ll help you to check and resolve this issue.

    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    To resolve this issue, please try to follow steps below:
    – Open the file:

    – Find the code:

    [PHP]$field = ‘<label ‘.$active.’ id=”lbl_’.$field_name.’_’.$item->id.'” onclick=”selectCL(this,’.$item->id.’, ”.$field_name.”, ”.$item->name.”, ”.$container.”);”>’.$item->treename.'</label><br />’;[/PHP]

    – And replace it with below one:
    [PHP]$item_name = html_entity_decode( $item->name, ENT_QUOTES, “utf-8″ );
    $field = ‘<label ‘.$active.’ id=”lbl_’.$field_name.’_’.$item->id.'” onclick=”selectCL(this,’.$item->id.’, ”.$field_name.”, ”.addslashes($item_name).”, ”.$container.”);”>’.$item->treename.'</label><br />’;[/PHP]

    – And open the file:

    – Find the code line:
    [PHP]<label onclick=”addFilterJobCondition(‘<?php echo $field->field_name; ?>’, ‘<?php echo $item->id; ?>’, ‘<?php echo $item->name;?>’);return false;” class=”hide<?php echo $css; ?>” id=”lbl_filter_<?php echo $field->field_name; ?>_list<?php echo $item->id; ?>”>[/PHP]

    – And replace it with:
    [PHP]<label onclick=”addFilterJobCondition(‘<?php echo $field->field_name; ?>’, ‘<?php echo $item->id; ?>’, ‘<?php echo addslashes(html_entity_decode( $item->name, ENT_QUOTES, “utf-8″ ));?>’);return false;” class=”hide<?php echo $css; ?>” id=”lbl_filter_<?php echo $field->field_name; ?>_list<?php echo $item->id; ?>”>[/PHP]

    PS: I could not connected your hosting with FTP credentials that you give, but htaccess account to access your site work

    juansolos Friend

    ok thank.
    Nearly works.

    I can’t select L’art, but i can select L’art .

    In the admin, i transform my category “L’art” on “L’art”.
    The user can select it and in the filter (module) or in the form, we see “L’art” : fine

    But in the select liste, there is still “L’art”.

    The best way for is to not have to rename L’art on Lart but i prefere have to do it if it is the only way to work but in this case the “” hasn’t to be display.

    PS : i have indeed made a little mistake for your ftp account, i send you new MP, if needed.


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    I have just checked your site, you have edited exactly what I suggested, so I have modified again for you.

    This bug has been fixed now, please have a look.

    <blockquote>In the admin, i transform my category “L’art” on “L’art”.</blockquote>
    And you do not need to add backward slashes before single quote now.

    juansolos Friend

    <em>@Dead Code 436339 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I have just checked your site, you have edited exactly what I suggested, so I have modified again for you.

    This bug lehas been fixed now, pase have a look.

    And you do not need to add backward slashes before single quote now.</blockquote>

    Thanks a lot.
    What have you modified after my modifications (your suggestions)?


    Thanh Nguyen Viet Friend


    <blockquote>What have you modified after my modifications (your suggestions)?</blockquote>
    Just edit as I suggest on previous post 🙂

    FYI: We have just release a new version of JA Jobboard component (version 1.0.6), this issue is fixed in that version.
    Please download and install the new version to get it fixed.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Thanh Nguyen Viet 10 years, 6 months ago.

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