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  • fowler21 Friend


    I’m working with SEO, and I dont understand why Joomlart dont make their templates SEO friendly.

    Joomlart always uses H1 tags for logo.

    They also uses H3 for moduleheaders. I know H3 is default by Joomla.

    Why not make it SEO frindly and use paragraph instead?

    I dont understand it. :confused:

    H1,H2,H3…… are Headings and should be used for content, and not for styling.

    I hope Joomlart will change their way of making templates.

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    Why don’t you just make the quick changes in the CSS files to accommodate the SEO standards you want?

    fowler21 Friend

    Because I’m good at SEO and not that good at CSS.

    Joomlart also says they are good at making SEO frindly layouts. So why not make it with a good code?

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    Well if you have questions or need help, post it in this thread and I can provide help for you.

    I don’t know why they don’t do a better job of SEO with their templates – maybe they will chime in and give an explanation.

    Let me know if you need anything and I’ll do what I can to help you out.

    javacup Friend

    <em>@fowler21 161328 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    I’m working with SEO, and I dont understand why Joomlart dont make their templates SEO friendly.

    Joomlart always uses H1 tags for logo.

    They also uses H3 for moduleheaders. I know H3 is default by Joomla.

    Why not make it SEO frindly and use paragraph instead?

    I dont understand it. :confused:

    H1,H2,H3…… are Headings and should be used for content, and not for styling.

    I hope Joomlart will change their way of making templates.</blockquote>


    I find that it is a good suggestion to take in consideration.
    I also think that the majority of the customers didn’t have this reflection to verify this kind of details

    Thank you

    fowler21 Friend

    I really hope that they would join this thread.

    I really think SEO would be a great feature for Joomlart.

    tonyg Friend

    SEO is of great importance and JA is very much aware of this. All good template clubs who cares enough about their members should by default practice good SEO designs.

    As members we also owned it to ourselves to learn at least the basics of seo.

    wilero Friend

    Fowler21 – a great thanks for pointing this out. As a rather new developer in web, I lack practical experince of SEO.. I joined a template club since I am not that good in CSS yet and are about to learn those other important areas. I was of the impression that those who make templates for a living would have included such things. It didn’t event existed in my mind that a proffessional template club wounldn’t take such important issues as SEO into consideration. Even though I hope there is a good reason why, we all know that important areas sometimes have conflicting needs. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    But still, it is the fact that I lack this experience that I turn to a proffesional template club, and before you pointed this out I thought I was safe in this areas too. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Well letยดs hope this will be in the future road map to include, and until then we are lucky to have all you other experienced members to turn to when help is needed…I soon I hope to be able to give something back as well!!

    Phill Moderator

    While tags may or may not make a very minor difference to SEO content is king with most modern engines. Instead of worrying about css tags spend time getting your content up to scratch and regularly updated and you will get the ratings your site deserves.

    rudyespinosa Friend

    First off, I want to thank Joomlart for their great work. I hope that my response comes across as a postitve reinforcement that Joomlart provides great service and products but just like the other commenters, we have a suggestion to make it even better.

    I think the point is NOT that customers that purchase joomlart templates (like myself), buy the templates for the content. Some of us insert unique content with no idea of SEO because we are simply setting up a website and want to use a template to make it easier. Otheres might intentionally setup a website for SEO purposes and purposely put together unique content and want a template that looks good to save time. In the end, the point is that basic SEO coding is now a standard with the majority of Joomla template providers that compete with Joomlart (in terms of pricing). Therefore, as customers we are simply noticing a major differnce in the quality/features because there are lots of template providers. This healthy competition is what makes better products and ultimately is what attracts new customers and retains loyal customers.

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    rudyespinosa – how do you have a -1 credit?

    rudyespinosa Friend

    I don’t even know what these credit’s mean or who sets this up. Ever since I joined I noticed a negative number and I thought seeing the number increase (go in the positive direction) as I posted comments.

    rudyespinosa Friend

    thanks for asking me. After I replied, It went to a positve number. Maybe now I will simply post for no reason and see how high I can get this number to go. ๐Ÿ™‚ that is a joke, btw.

    fowler21 Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 161583 wrote:</em><blockquote>While tags may or may not make a very minor difference to SEO content is king with most modern engines. Instead of worrying about css tags spend time getting your content up to scratch and regularly updated and you will get the ratings your site deserves.</blockquote>

    I must say that you are completly wrong.

    Yes, content is king. Thats for sure.

    But, when making all module heades a h3, this is a no go, and has nothing to do with css.

    H3 is standard HTML formatting, used to pointout headlines.

    Another issue is that all logo text is set with a css rule that says margin-top -1000px.

    A search engine would see this as trying to hide something, and could cause a Search engine ban.

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  fowler21 14 years, 7 months ago.

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