Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)
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  • cybernun Friend

    Houston we have a problem.
    Great template but unstable Menu system. I have approached every Mod maker, consulted forum, re-installed template and no-one hasan answer as to why drop-downs are not working.
    PLEASE post answers to this problem asap.

    DEVS: I sent site details.

    cirymarr Friend

    Ditto – menu system does not work.

    tfosnom Friend

    Hi Cybernun
    Do you want to PM Re Menus, as you know I’ve installed the latest version and I’m not having any real problems with the menus when set to Mega menu, which is all I ever use. Together we may be able to test and isolate your probs.
    Blessings Shannon

    we2solutions Friend


    As shannon says when it set to mega menu without any problem it working for me.but if you can post a screen shot it will help to understand what kin of issue you getting..


    cirymarr Friend

    My menu dropdowns simply don’t work, with mega menu option – http://www.costa.c-meonline.com

    tfosnom Friend

    Try this extension

    Also In IE 9 your whole menu wraps onto two lines that is the blog is below everything, In FF it’s all on one line, you need to reduce the number of menu items or reduce font size of menu to smaller

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi guys,

    To fix this issue of mega menu you open the file of templatesja_universityjsmenumega.js at the line number 67 you would see this code

    else {
    this.imgloaded = true;

    change it to

    else {
    window.addEvent(‘load’, function(){
    this.imgloaded = true;

    let me know if it help !

    cirymarr Friend

    <em>@tfosnom 338727 wrote:</em><blockquote>Try this extension

    Also In IE 9 your whole menu wraps onto two lines that is the blog is below everything, In FF it’s all on one line, you need to reduce the number of menu items or reduce font size of menu to smaller

    I tried that, but to no avail….unfortunately.

    ametzler79 Friend

    I got it working, overwrite your entire mega.js with this code, it is from the base jat3 template, worked perfectly for me.

    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * JA T3 System plugin for Joomla 1.7
    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
    * @license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
    * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
    * Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com
    * ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    var jaMegaMenuMoo = new Class({

    initialize: function(menu, options){
    this.options = $extend({
    slide: true, //enable slide
    duration: 300, //slide speed. lower for slower, bigger for faster
    fading: false, //Enable fading
    bgopacity: 0.9, //set the transparent background. 0 to disable, 0<bgopacity<1: the opacity of the background
    delayHide: 500,
    direction: 'down',
    action: 'mouseenter', //mouseenter or click
    hidestyle: 'normal'
    }, options || {});
    //ignore delayHide if no animation
    if (!this.options.slide && !this.options.fading) this.options.delayHide = 10;

    this.menu = menu;
    this.childopen = new Array();
    this.imageloaded = false;
    this.loaded = false;
    //window.addEvent('load', this.start.bind(this));

    start: function () {
    //do nothing if loaded
    if (this.loaded) return;

    this.menu = $(this.menu);
    //preload images
    var images = this.menu.getElements ('img');
    if (images && images.length && !this.imageloaded) {
    var imgs = [];
    images.each (function (image) {imgs.push(image.src)});
    if (imgs.length) {
    new Asset.images(imgs, {
    onComplete: function(){
    this.imageloaded = true;

    //call this start if cannot load image after sometime
    this.start.delay (3000, this);
    return ;

    //mark as called
    this.loaded = true;

    //get wrapper
    p = this.menu;
    while (p=p.getParent()) {
    if (p.hasClass ('main') || p.hasClass ('wrap')) {this.wrapper = p; break;}
    this.items = this.menu.getElements ('li.mega');
    //this.items.setStyle ('position', 'relative');
    this.items.each (function(li) {
    //link item
    if ((a = li.getElement('a.mega')) && this.isChild (a, li)) li.a = a;
    else li.a = null;
    li._parent = this.getParent (li);
    //child content
    if ((childcontent = li.getElement('.childcontent')) && this.isChild (childcontent, li)) {
    li.childcontent = childcontent;
    li.childcontent_inner = li.childcontent.getElement ('.childcontent-inner-wrap');
    var coor = li.childcontent_inner.getCoordinates ();
    li._w = li.getElement('.childcontent-inner').offsetWidth;
    li._h = li.getElement('.childcontent-inner').offsetHeight;

    li.level0 = li.getParent().hasClass('level0');
    li.childcontent.setStyles ({'width':li._w+10, 'height':li._h});
    li.childcontent_inner.setStyles ({'width':li._w});
    //fix for overflow
    li.childcontent_inner1 = li.childcontent.getElement ('.childcontent-inner');
    li.childcontent_inner1.ol = false;
    if (li.childcontent_inner1.getStyle ('overflow') == 'auto' || li.childcontent_inner1.getStyle ('overflow') == 'scroll') {
    li.childcontent_inner1.ol = true;
    //fix for ie6/7
    if (window.ie6 || window.ie7) {
    li.childcontent_inner1.setStyle ('position', 'relative');

    if (window.ie6) {
    li.childcontent_inner1.setStyle ('height', li.childcontent_inner1.getStyle ('max-height') || 400);

    //show direction
    if (this.options.direction == 'up') {
    if (li.level0) {
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('top', -li.childcontent.offsetHeight); //ajust top position
    } else {
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('bottom', 0);
    else li.childcontent = null;

    if (li.childcontent && this.options.bgopacity) {
    //Make transparent background
    var bg = new Element ('div', {'class':'childcontent-bg'});
    bg.injectTop (li.childcontent_inner);
    bg.setStyles ({'width':'100%', 'height':li._h, 'opacity':this.options.bgopacity,
    'position': 'absolute', 'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'z-index': 1
    if (li.childcontent.getStyle('background')) bg.setStyle ('background', li.childcontent.getStyle('background'));
    if (li.childcontent.getStyle('background-image')) bg.setStyle ('background-image', li.childcontent.getStyle('background-image'));
    if (li.childcontent.getStyle('background-repeat')) bg.setStyle ('background-repeat', li.childcontent.getStyle('background-repeat'));
    if (li.childcontent.getStyle('background-color')) bg.setStyle ('background-color', li.childcontent.getStyle('background-color'));
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('background', 'none');
    li.childcontent_inner.setStyles ({'position':'relative', 'z-index': 2});

    if (li.childcontent && (this.options.slide || this.options.fading)) {
    //li.childcontent.setStyles ({'width': li._w});
    li.childcontent.setStyles ({'left':'auto'});
    if (li.childcontent.hasClass ('right')) li.childcontent.setStyle ('right', 0);
    if (this.options.slide) {
    li.childcontent.setStyles ({'left':'auto', 'overflow':'hidden'});
    if (li.level0) {
    if (this.options.direction == 'up') {
    li.childcontent_inner.setStyle ('bottom', -li._h-20);
    } else {
    li.childcontent_inner.setStyle ('margin-top', -li._h-20);

    } else {
    li.childcontent_inner.setStyle ('margin-left', -li._w-20);
    if (this.options.fading) {
    li.childcontent_inner.setStyle ('opacity', 0);
    //Init Fx.Styles for childcontent
    //li.fx = new Fx.Styles(li.childcontent_inner, {duration: this.options.duration, transition: Fx.Transitions.linear, onComplete: this.itemAnimDone.bind(this, li)});
    //li.fx = new Fx.Tween (li.childcontent_inner, {duration: this.options.duration, transition: Fx.Transitions.linear, onComplete: this.itemAnimDone.bind(this, li)});
    // Dohq: Fix for use both fade & slide
    li.fx = new Fx.Morph (li.childcontent_inner, {duration: this.options.duration, transition: Fx.Transitions.linear, onComplete: this.itemAnimDone.bind(this, li)});
    //li.eff_on = {p:[],to:[]};
    //li.eff_off = {p:[],to:[]};
    li.eff_on = {};
    li.eff_off = {};
    if (this.options.slide) {
    if (li.level0) {
    if (this.options.direction == 'up') {
    li.eff_on ['bottom'] = 0;
    li.eff_off ['bottom'] = -li._h;

    // li.eff_on.p.push ('bottom');
    // li.eff_on.to.push (0);
    // li.eff_off.p.push ('bottom');
    // li.eff_off.to.push (-li._h);
    } else {
    li.eff_on ['margin-top'] = 0;
    li.eff_off ['margin-top'] = -li._h;

    // li.eff_on.p.push ('margin-top');
    // li.eff_on.to.push (0);
    // li.eff_off.p.push ('margin-top');
    // li.eff_off.to.push (-li._h);
    } else {
    li.eff_on['margin-left'] = 0;
    li.eff_off['margin-left'] = -li._w;

    // li.eff_on.p.push ('margin-left');
    // li.eff_on.to.push (0);
    // li.eff_off.p.push ('margin-left');
    // li.eff_off.to.push (-li._w);
    if (this.options.fading) {
    li.eff_on ['opacity'] = 1;
    li.eff_off['opacity'] = 0;
    // li.eff_on = ['opacity',1];
    // li.eff_off = ['opacity',0];

    // li.eff_on.p.push ('opacity');
    // li.eff_on.to.push (1);
    // li.eff_off.p.push ('opacity');
    // li.eff_off.to.push (0);

    if (this.options.action=='click' && li.childcontent) {
    li.addEvent('click', function(e) {
    var event = new Event (e);
    if (li.hasClass ('group')) return;
    if (li.childcontent) {
    if (li.status == 'open') {
    if (this.cursorIn (li, event)) {
    this.itemHide (li);
    } else {
    } else {
    this.itemShow (li);
    } else {
    if (li.a) location.href = li.a.href;
    }.bind (this));

    if (this.options.action == 'mouseover' || this.options.action == 'mouseenter') {
    li.addEvent('mouseenter', function(e) {
    if (li.hasClass ('group')) return;
    $clear (li.timer);
    this.itemShow (li);
    if (!e.stopped) {
    e.stopped = true; //make sure the stop function is call only once
    }.bind (this));

    li.addEvent('mouseleave', function(e) {
    if (li.hasClass ('group')) return;
    $clear (li.timer);
    if (li.childcontent) li.timer = this.itemHide.delay(this.options.delayHide, this, [li, e]);
    else this.itemHide (li, e);
    if (!e.stopped) {
    e.stopped = true; //make sure the stop function is call only once
    }.bind (this));

    //if has childcontent, don't goto link before open childcontent - fix for touch screen
    if (li.a && li.childcontent) {
    li.clickable = false;
    li.a.addEvent ('click',function (e){
    if (!li.clickable) {
    new Event(e).stop();
    }.bind (this));

    //stop if click on menu item - prevent raise event to container => hide all open submenu
    li.addEvent ('click', function (e) {new Event(e).stopPropagation()});

    //when click on a link - close all open childcontent
    if (li.a && !li.childcontent) {
    li.a.addEvent ('click',function (e){
    this.itemHideOthers (null);
    //Remove current class
    this.menu.getElements ('.active').removeClass ('active');
    //Add current class
    var p = li;
    while (p) {
    p.addClass ('active');
    p.a.addClass ('active');
    p = p._parent;
    new Event (e).stopPropagation();//prevent to raise event up
    }.bind (this));

    if (li.childcontent) this.positionSubmenu (li);

    //click on windows will close all submenus
    var container = $('ja-wrapper');
    if (!container) container = document.body;
    container.addEvent ('click',function (e) {

    if (this.options.slide || this.options.fading) {
    //hide all content child
    this.menu.getElements('.childcontent').setStyle ('display', 'none');


    getParent: function (li) {
    var p = li;
    while ((p=p.getParent())) {
    if (this.items.contains (p) && !p.hasClass ('group')) return p;
    if (!p || p == this.menu) return null;

    cursorIn: function (el, event) {
    if (!el || !event) return false;
    var pos = $merge (el.getPosition(), {'w':el.offsetWidth, 'h': el.offsetHeight});;
    var cursor = {'x': event.page.x, 'y': event.page.y};

    if (cursor.x>pos.x && cursor.x<pos.x+el.offsetWidth
    && cursor.y>pos.y && cursor.y<pos.y+el.offsetHeight) return true;
    return false;

    isChild: function (child, parent) {
    return !!parent.getChildren().contains (child);

    itemOver: function (li) {
    if (li.hasClass ('haschild'))
    li.removeClass ('haschild').addClass ('haschild-over');
    li.addClass ('over');
    if (li.a) {
    li.a.addClass ('over');

    itemOut: function (li) {
    if (li.hasClass ('haschild-over'))
    li.removeClass ('haschild-over').addClass ('haschild');
    li.removeClass ('over');
    if (li.a) {
    li.a.removeClass ('over');

    itemShow: function (li) {
    if (li.status == 'open') return; //don't need do anything
    //Setup the class
    this.itemOver (li);
    //push to show queue
    li.status = 'open';
    this.enableclick.delay (100, this, li);
    this.childopen.push (li);
    //hide other
    this.itemHideOthers (li);
    if (li.childcontent) {
    //reposition the submenu
    this.positionSubmenu (li);

    if (!$defined(li.fx) || !$defined(li.childcontent)) return;

    li.childcontent.setStyle ('display', 'block');

    li.childcontent.setStyles ({'overflow': 'hidden'});
    if (li.childcontent_inner1.ol) li.childcontent_inner1.setStyles ({'overflow': 'hidden'});

    li.fx.start (li.eff_on);
    //li.fx.start (li.eff_on.p, li.eff_on.to);
    //if (li._parent) this.itemShow (li._parent);

    itemHide: function (li, e) {
    if (e && e.page) { //if event
    if (this.cursorIn (li, e) || this.cursorIn (li.childcontent, e)) {
    } //cursor in li
    var p=li._parent;
    if (p && !this.cursorIn (p, e) && !this.cursorIn(p.childcontent, e)) {
    p.fireEvent ('mouseleave', e); //fire mouseleave event
    li.status = 'close';
    this.childopen.erase (li);

    if (!$defined(li.fx) || !$defined(li.childcontent)) return;

    if (li.childcontent.getStyle ('opacity') == 0) return;
    li.childcontent.setStyles ({'overflow': 'hidden'});
    if (li.childcontent_inner1.ol) li.childcontent_inner1.setStyles ({'overflow': 'hidden'});
    switch (this.options.hidestyle) {
    case 'fast':
    li.fx.options.duration = 100;
    //li.fx.start ($merge(li.eff_off,{'opacity':0}));
    //li.fx.start(li.eff_off.p, li.eff_off.to);
    case 'fastwhenshow': //when other show
    if (!e) { //force hide, not because of event => hide fast
    li.fx.start (Object.merge(li.eff_off,{'opacity':0}));
    //li.fx.options.duration = 300;
    //li.fx.start ($merge(li.eff_off,{'opacity':0}));
    //li.fx.start(li.eff_off.p, li.eff_off.to);
    } else { //hide as normal
    li.fx.start (li.eff_off);
    //li.fx.start (li.eff_off);
    //li.fx.start(li.eff_off.p, li.eff_off.to);
    case 'normal':
    li.fx.start (li.eff_off);
    //li.fx.start(li.eff_off.p, li.eff_off.to);
    //li.fx.start (li.eff_off);

    itemAnimDone: function (li) {
    //hide done
    if (li.status == 'close'){
    //reset duration and enable opacity if not fading
    if (this.options.hidestyle.test (/fast/)) {
    li.fx.options.duration = this.options.duration;
    if (!this.options.fading) li.childcontent_inner.setStyle ('opacity', 1);
    li.childcontent.setStyles ({'display': 'none'});
    this.disableclick.delay (100, this, li);

    //show done
    if (li.status == 'open'){
    li.childcontent.setStyles ({'overflow': ''});
    if (li.childcontent_inner1.ol) li.childcontent_inner1.setStyles ({'overflow-y': 'auto'});
    li.childcontent_inner.setStyle ('opacity', 1);
    li.childcontent.setStyles ({'display': 'block'});

    itemHideOthers: function (el) {
    var fakeevent = null
    if (el && !el.childcontent) fakeevent = {};
    var curopen = this.childopen;
    curopen.each (function(li) {
    if (li && typeof (li.status) != 'undefined' && (!el || (li != el && !li.hasChild (el)))) {
    this.itemHide(li, fakeevent);

    enableclick: function (li) {
    if (li.a && li.childcontent) li.clickable = true;
    disableclick: function (li) {
    if (li.a && li.childcontent) li.clickable = false;

    positionSubmenu: function (li) {
    if (li.level0) {
    if (!window.isRTL) {
    //check position
    var lcor = li.getCoordinates();
    var ccor = li.childcontent.getCoordinates();
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('display', 'block');
    ccor = li.childcontent.getCoordinates();
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('display', 'none');

    var ml = 0;
    var l = lcor.left;
    var r = l + ccor.width;
    if (this.wrapper) {
    var wcor = this.wrapper.getCoordinates();
    l = l - wcor.left;
    r = wcor.right - r + 10;
    } else {
    r = window.getWidth() - r + 10;
    if (l < 0 || l+r < 0) {
    ml = - l;
    } else if (r < 0) {
    ml = r;
    if (ml != 0) li.childcontent.setStyle ('margin-left', ml);
    } else {
    //check position
    var lcor = li.getCoordinates();
    var ccor = li.childcontent.getCoordinates();
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('display', 'block');
    ccor = li.childcontent.getCoordinates();
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('display', 'none');
    var mr = 0;
    var r = lcor.right;
    var l = r - ccor.width;
    if (this.wrapper) {
    var wcor = this.wrapper.getCoordinates();
    l = l - wcor.left;
    r = wcor.right - r + 10;
    } else {
    r = window.getWidth() - r + 10;
    if (r < 0 || l+r < 0) {
    mr = - r;
    } else if (l < 0) {
    mr = l;
    if (mr != 0) li.childcontent.setStyle ('margin-right', mr);
    } else {
    //check if it's out of view-port
    var lcor = li.getCoordinates();
    var ccor = li.childcontent.getCoordinates();
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('display', 'block');
    ccor = li.childcontent.getCoordinates();
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('display', 'none');
    var ml = 0;
    var l = ccor.left;
    var r = l + ccor.width;
    if (this.wrapper) {
    var wcor = this.wrapper.getCoordinates();
    l = l - wcor.left;
    r = wcor.right - r + 10;
    } else {
    r = window.getWidth() - r + 10;
    if (r < 0) {
    //change the direction and position for submenu
    li.childcontent.setStyle ('margin-left', -ccor.width + 20);
    //li.eff_on['margin-left'] = 0;
    //li.eff_off['margin-left'] = li._w + 20;
    li.childcontent_inner.setStyle ('margin-left', li._w + 20);

    cirymarr Friend

    That works fine on the homepage, but not on any subsequent pages, for me. http://www.costa.c-meonline.com

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi cirymarr,

    You should keep the original file of templates/ja_university/js/menu/mega.js then make change as my suggestion above, also removing caches after the changes is made.

    haxx Friend


    I had this problem with the Mega Menu but have applied the fix as described above, cleaned the cache and it works perfectly.:D

    cirymarr Friend

    Hi Sherlock – could you possibly PM me the “correctly amended” mega.js as you describe, because I think I’ve messed up here a bit.

    Many thanks in advance.

    kennatechnical Friend

    My mega menu isn’t working………

    Well i freaking figured out my problem any way all. I installed the JoomlaCK editor and enabled it through the global config. I did it a while ago and forgot to test it until several hours later…….tricking my mind into thinking it was something else related.
    I turn it off, my megamenu works; turn it on, it doesn’t.

    Probably not related to others issues but it certainly has affected mine………….now i can sleep a little easier tonight

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Kennatechnical
    I think that has a conflict js between mega menu with joomlack. Please post link of your site then i’ll check on it.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 26 total)

This topic contains 26 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  HeR0 12 years, 2 months ago.

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