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  • Daniel Löf Friend

    I just discovered a strange error on my testsite.

    When I edit an article the changes does not show in frontend. Neither does if I create a new article. Something weird has happened and I dont know why. Everything was working fine yesterday when I went to sleep.. but now..

    I can edit articles in the backend and it says it has been successfully saved/edited.. but nothing shows in frontend… now I unpublished one item and it dissapeard from the front-end.. but when I try to publish it again it does not show in front-end even though in backend it shows that it is supposed to be published.

    I tried this with emptying the cache.. tried with different browsers and with different computers.. the problem persists..

    Everything seems to be working in back-end but nothing happens in frontend when I edit.. or create..??

    From the moment I installed the quickstart I get the message Error loading feed data in the controlpanel… even though this message has shown everything has worked fine for the last couple of days until now suddenly something weird has happend.

    Does anybody know what could be causing this error and how it could be fixed?



    Daniel Löf Friend

    I think I fixed it.. had tested everything..but cleaning the JOOMLA CACHE.. this fixed this issue..

    weir error though..

    Daniel Löf Friend

    It seems the problem is coming back as I everytime I have made a change now has to go and manually delete the cache for the file ‘page’…


    Daniel Löf Friend

    okay, this one is solved. In backend in plugins cache was activated. When I deactivated this everything worked as normal 🙂

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Daniel Löf 15 years, 5 months ago.

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