I just looked at the block of code that’s generating the introtext for category blog and featured and they are the same? At 50 characters for introtext assuming I didn’t read wrongly.
[PHP]// build intro content
// get some first paragraph in introtext, trip tags (keep a, strong, br, b…)
$introtext = $this->item->introtext;
// get first paragraph
$regex = ‘#<p[^>]*>(.*)</p>#i’;
if (preg_match_all ($regex, $introtext, $matches)) {
$p = array();
$c = 0;
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
$t = trim(strip_tags ($match, ‘<a><b><strong><br>’));
if ($t) $p[] = $t;
$c += strlen($t);
if ($c > 50) break;
$introtext = implode (‘<br />’, $p);
} else {
$introtext = trim(strip_tags ($introtext, ‘<a><b><strong><br>’));