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  • nilgunce Friend

    Hi ;
    My background will be same the site linked belove;
    It will be for all device and all screen sizes.
    I am in trouble to set it?
    would you please kindly say me how?
    tx. in advance


    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    Your code is right , just need remove background color for header

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    1. 2014-11-20_19-46-06
    nilgunce Friend

    Thank you for your kind cooperation. The header part of the background now visible. But the part still unvisible.
    The other important problem for me; repeated backgrounds.
    Tha background setting most be campatible for all devices and screen sizes also.

    jooservices Friend

    HI there,
    It’s a part of frontend job:
    – Your image background not enough height to fit your screen. You need to increase it. You need to have image height fit “maximum screen height” than you want.
    – And you can use

    background-position: 0% top;

    to set it as right-top

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    nilgunce Friend

    Hello again.
    I did . But having same problem again . Screenshot % 50 is attached. It seems worst on mobile devices.
    I need you kind assistance.


    1. ellibg
    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    You can not use background-repeat here. Because your image is none-repeat able.

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

    nilgunce Friend

    Ok I do not want to repeat it.
    How can I make it?

    jooservices Friend

    Hi there,
    Here is code you can use

    body {
    background: transparent url("http://www.aak-tr.net/images/background-shadow5.gif");
    background-position: 100% 0%;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

    But please do not HACK into template.css please use custom.css

    Thank you,
    Viet Vu

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jooservices 10 years, 1 month ago.

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