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  • j0ly Friend

    Hi everyone,

    I love the slideshow 2 in this template and would love to use it on another, however it looks like the css is kind of messed when I try to. Can anyone point me in the right direction to get it look the same as on the Opal template on another?


    nsquare Friend

    Hi everyone
    I was actually able to integrate JA slideshow in a non-JA template but then messed up everything by installing the JA News Module.
    I installed on one of the pages of my website (self created / Not JA template) in the content section JA slideshow and JA newslight, with both functionning fine. Then I wanted to replace JA newslight with JA News and that’s where everything went WRONG. As soon as I inserted JA News on the page with {loadposition}, it made JA slideshow disappear as well as pictures that were on that page. Instead of trying to solve it, I unplublished JA News but it still appeared on the page. I then uninstalled but it’s still there. I have cleared my browser cache, switched browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer), switched computers…nothing solves it. I checked in my files and there is no module I can find…
    I’m running on Joomla 1.5.7 and the problem can be found at http://www.lobbyplanet.eu/index.php/whatshot

    j0ly Friend

    When you setup the jaslideshow2 module, did it have the same css as show on the opal template? This is the problem that I am having, sure it installs fine, but it has no configuration except the default one.

    Can anyone tell me what part of the opal css i need to copy in to my other template to make it look the same? I have tried it and it seems to not be working for the layout, I can change the border colors, readmore link color, ect. However im looking to get the description slideover and thumbnails the same.


    nsquare Friend


    my issue is solved though I had to ask someone to do it for me so I am afarid I can’t post the solution they used, as I have no clue what they did…

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  nsquare 15 years, 10 months ago.

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