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  • jakubd Friend

    How can I remove the “setting” options and layout buttons from the front-end? I want to have control over how visitors see the content, so how can I set the defaults and disable those features from the front-end? I want to edit how the articles appear, the layout, how many columns, the categories, number of intro items, number of links, etc. Also, is there a way to enable the cpanel and layout and setting options only for signed in members?

    Where can I change the color of the main menu (home, world, tech, entertainment, health, etc.) hover from black to red?

    Are you only able to update the featured news content in the drop down menus in the HTML code, or is there an easier way to do it from the backend? If there is no quick and easy way to update this, than is there a way to just remove this featured news box from the drop down menu?

    How can I set the default profile color page for everyone? I changed the profile setting in template settings to “red” from the back-end in my Joomla admin panel, and I also set the cpanel options to “hide”, but the profile color is still blue and the cpanel menu is still visible when I access the site from a different computer and or different browser.

    1. Screen-shot-2011-11-26-at-2.08.40-AM
    2. Screen-shot-2011-11-26-at-2.09.24-AM
    3. Screen-shot-2011-11-26-at-2.09.12-AM
    pavit Moderator

    Hi jakubd

    <blockquote>How can I remove the “setting” options and layout buttons from the front-end? </blockquote>

    you can go to ja_News_Pro Module and set Show User Setting Tool to Hide

    <blockquote>Where can I change the color of the main menu (home, world, tech, entertainment, health, etc.) hover from black to red? </blockquote>

    This is the menu color of your choosen template theme to change it you must choose as theme red-color

    <blockquote>How can I set the default profile color page for everyone?</blockquote>

    You can go in the ja_News_Pro Module in Advanced options you will see Colors with the ID of the category assiged to a specific color assign your category id to a specific color you want ex 104:blue

    <blockquote>How can I set the default profile color page for everyone?</blockquote>

    You can use the profile override for this : in template manager–> Page assignment you will see some theme color assigned to various page manage that profile to change your preferred page color

    <blockquote>cpanel and layout and setting options only for signed in members?</blockquote>

    You can do this through profile override make these option visible only on certain pages

    Ex you can create a profile “Registered” with cpanel enabled and assign this to the usermenu pages only

    jakubd Friend

    Thank you, I was able to solve some of my problems, but not all of them.

    I was able to get rid of the “setting” options by setting Show User Setting Tool to Hide, but the layout buttons are still on the left. The three layout buttons that change how the rows and columns appear. Can I get rid of that?

    Also, I changed the default theme to red, but the menu is still black when you hover over it. I want the menu to turn red instead of black when you hover over it. The menu where it says “world, tech, entertainment, health, etc.”, I want those menu titles to be highlighted in red instead of black.

    Are you only able to update the featured news content in the drop down menus in the HTML code, or is there an easier way to do it from the backend? If there is no quick and easy way to update this, than is there a way to just remove this featured news box from the drop down menu?

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>but the layout buttons are still on the left.</blockquote>

    That layouts button are there to offer the chance to change the layout module for Pulse and linear, if you unpublish the other layouts from back end and leave published only Default Layout all buttons disappear.

    <blockquote>The menu where it says “world, tech, entertainment, health, etc.”, I want those menu titles to be highlighted in red instead of black. </blockquote>
    As i explained before you must assign a color theme in the Ja_News_Pro to the category

    For example your world category has the ID 10 then go to Ja_News_Pro module in advanced parameters and assign 10:red to have the red color

    <blockquote>Are you only able to update the featured news content in the drop down menus in the HTML code, or is there an easier way to do it from the backend? </blockquote>

    Have you read this guide ?

    jakubd Friend

    I did assign a color theme to the different categories in the Ja News Pro module for the default layout. I went here and tried adjusting the colors as you mentioned:

    That only changed the colors of the categories here:

    That’s not what I was trying to do. I want to change the colors of the main menu:

    See how it’s black? I want it to be red. I changed the color of the default layout by changing the theme to red in the template manager, here:

    That only changed the color of some things, such as the font and this:

    But it did not change the colors of the main menu items to red, as they are still black (as I pointed out in the third image). I also tried changing the colors in the template manager under “page assignments” by changing the color for the page ID’s, but that didn’t help either. I want to hover over the main menu buttons, and I want them to turn to red as opposed to black.

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    pavit Moderator


    I haven’t understood your request before

    Goto /templates/ja_teline_iv/css/menu/mega.css around line 35 now you have

    .ja-megamenu ul.level0 li.mega a.mega {
    color: #000000; <----------------change this to red color ex color: #ec0c0c;
    display: block;
    font-size: 125%;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 3px;
    padding: 4px 8px 3px;
    text-decoration: none;
    text-transform: uppercase;

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 13 years, 1 month ago.

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