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  • fmedia Friend

    I get this shame on you message every time i load my website.

    I use firefox 3.6.6

    How do i disable this from popping up ever again?

    aman204 Friend

    Can you provide a link to your site as it seems that this message will only popup if you are using IE6 — older version of internet explorer

    Also, Try clear your browser cache and refresh browser

    splico123 Friend

    Try upgrading firefox to 3.6.13 since that paticular one has had problem and was one of shorter lived versions. My laptop had it and produced same thing so i upgraded it and solved the problem.

    sunnyjey Friend

    Hi, I too get this notice on my updated Firefox and IE, please tell me how to delete this image file

    splico123 Friend

    <em>@sunnyjey 218402 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, I too get this notice on my updated Firefox and IE, please tell me how to delete this image file</blockquote>

    Tried to see if you run latest version of both Firefox and IE??

    sunnyjey Friend

    <em>@splico123 218431 wrote:</em><blockquote>Tried to see if you run latest version of both Firefox and IE??</blockquote>

    Yes definitely

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@sunnyjey 218402 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi, I too get this notice on my updated Firefox and IE, please tell me how to delete this image file</blockquote>

    then try to clear both template & browser cache

    sunnyjey Friend

    Yes! I have done tht too. I get it in on different computers

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    <em>@sunnyjey 219403 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yes! I have done tht too. I get it in on different computers</blockquote>

    pm me your admin account, I shall check for you.

    noinu Friend

    I have the same problem. Even I try with firefox even with google chrome ie6 warning appears…But not every time…From time to time
    Firefox: 3.6.16
    Chrome: 11.0.696.28

    Thank you.

    Phill Moderator

    Please open plugins>system>jat3>base-themes>default>blocks>ie6>ie6warning.php and change the bit highlighted in red below from close to none

    define ('SHOW_IE6_WARNING', 'close');
    Setting for this message. Clear cookie if you change this setting.
    'none': Not show warning
    'once': Show one time only
    'close': Show until user check box "Not show again" and close the message
    'always': Always show this message

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