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  • rhante Friend

    i had two problem

    first :

    i am using the virtuemart as catalogue, no production sale. how to change the name “shop” from url to another name.

    And second look like virtuemart joomsef seo problem, i instaled virtuemart joomsef plugin, but category link wrong, just first category, any idea to fix that?

    Saguaros Moderator

    i am using the virtuemart as catalogue, no production sale. how to change the name “shop” from url to another name. </blockquote>
    => You access the Shop Menu then change its alias to other text.

    <blockquote>And second look like virtuemart joomsef seo problem, i instaled virtuemart joomsef plugin, but category link wrong, just first category, any idea to fix that? </blockquote>

    => Can you please provide me the link to yours site and administrator account, please provide me other snapshot on your Ticket ID SZR-510-86324

    Then let me check

    rhante Friend

    i send a ticket, my first issue has been solved.

    and second. first category have two problem

    1. when u see the categories all, first category dosent have a link, and it has a code on top ( i mean category picture)
    2. first category products detail is looking different than others, its look like wrong, u can see that.

    PS: i dont have product pictures, ignore it. its not a problem

    rhante Friend

    solved, the problem with joomsef virtuemart companent.


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rhante 13 years, 9 months ago.

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