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  • flicman Friend

    Hi there. So I’m in the middle of my mods and they’re coming along swimmingly. I’ve got multilayered backgrounds, semi-transparencies, decent failover to ie6…

    What I don’t have is the know-how to make User7, User8 & User9 only appear on the homepage.

    Is that something I can do with the template? I’m not even sure where to look, honestly. I don’t want to have to not use these things, but if I can’t enable them only for the homepage, they’ll do more harm than good.


    Phill Moderator

    It is already a feature of Joomla.

    Simply open the module in question and you will see a box called menu assignment. It is quite self explanatory once you know what it does.

    flicman Friend

    Hmm. I’m already using the Menu Assignments. Maybe it’s a VirtueMart thing, then, because the UserBoxes are persistent when I’m looking at product lists and product details and that’s what I’m trying to avoid.

    I was hoping that I could show the boxes only on index.php, really, and nowhere else.

    edit: I’m not the brightest bulb in the chandelier – I managed to fix it pretty easily. Your post paved the way, so thanks for that. I’ll post what I did here for anyone else who needs this info, although it’s probably already obvious for the rest of the world.

    I went to Menus > Additional Places and hit new. I then clicked on VirtueMart and entered the info I wanted (experimentally called it “Products,” etc.) and hit ‘Save.’ Since I was already using Menu Assignments, that made everything work. I guess it basically retrofitted VM into its own category, and anywhere that VM is the primary focus now has only the boxes I want.

    Check out the beta site to see it in action.

    Phill Moderator

    Ahh, virtuemart works a little differently. You may need to do a bit of work.

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