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  • valdez79 Friend


    I’ve developed a web site based on JA_Rasite templates.

    I want to share my work with JA community and if possible participate in the SOTM Competition.

    You can see the site Here, it’s a municipally site for a city council.

    Please send me your feedback.

    Hélder Valdez!

    aaronfarias Friend

    Real clean, and i like the flash presentation.

    uniquebiz Friend

    The SOTM contest is dead was killed off due to lack of voters

    smitheringale Friend

    An excellent website and I love the logo and the background image and the good use of modules and the content contained within those modules.

    For my personal tastes, I would have to question what the flash presentation brings to the table. It took some time to load for me, and whilst it looks extremely nice – and I presume you used flash due to problems with the slideshow that comes with the template (especially when javascript is disabled) – I would say that it is not really needed.

    <em>@valdez79 186375 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    I’ve developed a web site based on JA_Rasite templates.

    I want to share my work with JA community and if possible participate in the SOTM Competition.

    You can see the site Here, it’s a municipally site for a city council.

    Please send me your feedback.

    Hélder Valdez!</blockquote>

    valdez79 Friend

    Thank you smitheringale!
    I’ve to work the size of images that I use in the flash presentation.
    In the home page I don’t use the slideshow that comes with the template because i don’t like how it looks on the site.

    The other pages have the slideshow with css changes.


    questbg Friend

    Olá valdez79

    Congratulations on your site … very nice and good layout.

    My only comment would be to please get rid of the Joomla default favicon and make your own!

    nihues Friend

    Eu gostei, muito bom, limpo, mas não gostei do flash, poderia trocar por uma versão em jquery ficaria mais rápido, aqui demorou uns 20seg pra abrir o flash… ahh e usa o logo da cidade como favicon!

    I liked, good and clean, but not the flash, you should change to jquery! And use city logo as favicon!

    valdez79 Friend

    Hello Nihues,

    I’ve to work better the home page flash. As you suggested, i’ve used the city logo as favicon.
    What jquery you suggest to use with joomla! as a module or component ?


    Olá nihues,

    Tenho de trabalhar melhor esse flash de entrada. Na falta de melhor já coloquei o logo da cidade como favicon, obrigado.
    Que componente ou modulo para joomla!, utilizando jquery, aconselha?


    nihues Friend

    Hello valdez,

    You could use the Joomlart slideshow module for example, there are lots of slideshow modules, but for more beauty, I sugest Flash Style Slideshow http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/photos-a-images/images-slideshow/12135

    Só em inglês dessa vez 😉

    valdez79 Friend

    Okay, thank you one more time.
    I will try to improve the slideshow.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  valdez79 14 years, 5 months ago.

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