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  • il_bujia Friend


    I’am working with the design of my web on 1024×768 resolution.I use Jat3 framework/T3 blank template with Joomla 3.2
    In my section contact,I put a form in component position,and two modules in sidebar position,at the right of component section.The problem is that when I see the web,it put sidebar position below component position instead to put them on the right of it.What can I do to put sidebar at the right of component positon altough I resize the window more smaller?

    Here is my site

    Thanks in advance

    1. What-I-have-now
    2. What-I-want-to-achieve
    Wall Crasher Developer


    T3 Blank is a responsive template.
    The sidebar displays below the component on small screen size devices.

    You can disabled responsive feature by turning off Responsive option via Template Manager.

    il_bujia Friend

    Thanks For your reply,but I want to make my web responsive.I understand that in small screen happens that,but 1024px is considered a small a screen?
    Is there anyway to make that I want?(although it was without the sidebar)
    The server is now open,so you can watch what I mean.

    Thanks for your help again

    Wall Crasher Developer

    1024px is not small screen.

    But please check again. On 1032px browser width, I see the sidebar is ok.
    On your screenshot, the browser size is smaller than 1024px, I think.

    Here is what I see.

    il_bujia Friend

    Thanks again for your help.The screenshot is at 1024px.
    I put a media querie from 1024px to 768px,and above this resolution it works fine(like the screenshot you put),but whitin 1024-768px it put sidebar below.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    @ il_bujia,

    Please check again your custom.css file.

    I see some rules like this which is the cause of the issue.

    .t3-mainbody .t3-content{width:100% !important;
    margin-left:0px !important;

    .t3-mainbody{width:62% !important;
    margin-left:20% !important;

    Please try to remove your custom.css file and check again. (Remember to backup your file first)

    il_bujia Friend

    Many thanks For your help again.I’ll try later when I go home and tell if the problem is solved.

    il_bujia Friend

    I deleted the code that you say and now it work much better but still it isn’t what I want to achieve.I want that the component and the sidebar,remain inside the green line altough you resize the windows more smaller(I know that for small screen it will put the sidebar below,but I want that until that the sidebar remains at the right side).I put a photo of what I mean.

    Thanks in advance for your valuable help

    1. web
    Wall Crasher Developer

    @ il_bujia,

    You should consider hire a CSS developer to help you on this. The developers at http://www.joomlancers.com might be a good fit for you a reasonable price.

    il_bujia Friend

    The case is that this is a personal project for a friend,and he don’t want to pay anything.Anyway,many thanks for your help

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  il_bujia 10 years, 10 months ago.

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