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  • kjlarski JATC


    I’m a new member, and have been doing quite a bit of Joomla work for the past 3 years, and can usually solve stuff on my own. However, I’m experiencing some major issues with the Lens theme, and am getting quite concerned as I have a deadline tomorrow and the site broke at the last minute. I’ll send a detailed list of errors that I’m experiencing, but the most critical issue is all within the menu items.

    -When trying to create any new menu item, I’m getting MenusTableMenu: :_getNode Failed
    -I reordered a page, and now all of the menu items reordered themselves. When trying to reorder, I’m getting a “Reorder failed. Error:” message.
    -The menu item’s roots seem incorrect. For example, if you unpublish the menu item “Registration Form”, then many other menus are also unpublished.
    -When trying to publish or unpublish, I’m getting “Cannot change the published state when the parent menu item is of a lesser state.” However no these items aren’t the parent of any other items.

    When scouring the web for fixes, I came across a fix a couple of fixes/ resolutions. One being to ensure PHP is the latest (I’m on 5.3.5). The second resolution was to insert the below query, however this did not work.

    INSERT INTO `DATABASE_NAME`.`c7gzy_menu` (`id` ,`menutype` ,`title` ,`alias` ,`note` ,`path` ,`link` ,`type` ,`published` ,`parent_id` ,`level` ,`component_id` ,`ordering` ,`checked_out` ,`checked_out_time` ,`browserNav` ,`access` ,`img` ,`template_style_id` ,`params` ,`lft` ,`rgt` ,`home` ,`language` ,`client_id` ) VALUES ( ‘1’, ”, ‘Menu_Item_Root’, ‘root’, ”, ”, ”, ”, ‘1’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ”, ‘0’, ”, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’, ‘*’, ‘0’)

    I imagine all of these issues are related. I kindly beg for a quick response. The login details have been sent to you.

    Thank you,

    monger quark Friend

    Hi Kevin,

    I assume you replaced `DATABASE_NAME` in the SQL instruction with your own DB notation? Also the DB prefix `c7gzy_` has to be replaced by your own choosen one (see joomla admin->System Information->dbprefix ). 😉

    I did so because I had similar problems and now this seems to work correctly again. Although I have no clue what really went wrong here … Hope this is solved in the final version then.


    kjlarski JATC

    Hi there-

    Thanks so much for your response. I did use the correct prefix (in my case czdh5_), however it didn’t correct anything. Hopefully we can get a resolution to this. 😮


    chavan Friend

    Hi Kevin,

    You should re-check there is menu root row in menu table. I guess it isn’t inserted.


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