Since a day, and some changes on the menus, the site when loading it via the usual loads the VM section of the site and not the frontpage. Yet, the home link of the main menu is set to the frontpage and also leads to the frontpage when clicking on it. Before that issue came up, I set the home link menu entry to lead to VM but changed it to the frontpage again. Now when opening the site as usual the first page shown is again or stll VM..
Site loads: /index.php?&vmcchk=1&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=1
as default start page, again, the home link is set to frontpage, and also displays “Home” as titlle for the browser, where clicking on the menu link to the shop the regular custom title is shown.
Site should load: /index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1 as the default start page.
Any suggestions?