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  • mberwing Friend

    Hi there,

    I do not need the slogan line (2nd line) on the JA-MENU and would therefore like to resize the JA-MENU and make it smaller – just for the main menu.
    Can you tell me where I can change the size ?

    Thanks and regards

    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    To get rid of the “Second Line” you simply change the name of the menu item.

    In the ADMINISTRATOR area, go to MENUS > MAIN MENU
    Open the menu Item with the “Second Line” you want to get rid of and simply delete the “|” and everything after it.
    Get rid of all “second lines” and the space will go away as well.

    Have fun!

    mberwing Friend

    thanks a lot for your help but I am sorry…. this does not work!

    I do not have any second line (called slogan) defined in the menu items. I have just the first line…
    but the size of the menubar is still the same. I would like to change the standard height of 45px to maybe 30px so that the menu items are centered.

    See the attached screenshot from my page and what I would like to achieve (the modification I did via Photoshop).

    Have checked further and it seems the change must be done on mainnav-bg.gif, maninnav-sep.gif and mainnav-active.gif

    I hope there will be no gap between submenus …..otherwise the changes have to be done in one of the css files…..but do not know where.

    Your help is again much appreciated

    1. screenshot
    mberwing Friend

    I finally solved my issue with the customization of mainnav-bg.gif, maninnav-sep.gif and mainnav-active.gif
    Furthermore I had to change some values in template.css under ja-mainnav as to get
    the menu items in the middle of the menu bar and increased the font size a little bit.

    #ja-mainnav { position: relative; z-index: 3; padding-bottom: 0px; }

    #ja-mainnav .main { height: 38px; font-size: 13px; }

    #ja-mainnav .inner {
    height: 38px;
    background: url(../images/mainnav-bg.gif) no-repeat top;

    ardase Friend

    Hi mberwing, is posible, attach, the modifications, this images???

    mainnav-bg.gif, maninnav-sep.gif and mainnav-active.gif

    my color is Orange.


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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ardase 15 years ago.

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