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  • pavit Moderator

    Hi there

    Open this file /templates/ja_hotel/acm/slideshow/tmpl/style-1.php find and change from

    <div class="style-1 block-slideshow carousel slide vertical <?php echo $fullScreen; ?>" data-ride="carousel" data-wrap="false" data-interval="false" id="block-slideshow-<?php echo $module->id; ?>"> 


    <div class="style-1 block-slideshow carousel slide vertical <?php echo $fullScreen; ?>" data-ride="carousel" data-wrap="true" data-interval="6000" data-slide="next" id="block-slideshow-<?php echo $module->id; ?>">

    data-interval="6000" value is in milliseconds so change value as you wish.

    Best regards

    vivaldo moscatelli Friend

    Hi. It works but the first slide runs out as soon as I open the page /home page.
    How can I have it displayed for the same time?
    Thanks as usual…

    pavit Moderator


    Try to use this code indeed

    <div class="style-1 block-slideshow carousel slide vertical <?php echo $fullScreen; ?>" data-ride="carousel" data-wrap="true" data-interval="6000" id="block-slideshow-<?php echo $module->id; ?>">

    Look HERE for bootstrap carousel instructions and customizations

    vivaldo moscatelli Friend

    It works… thanks as usual

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  vivaldo moscatelli 8 years, 7 months ago.

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