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  • anitaamit Friend

    I am trying to have my slideshow module look more like the one in the JAPortfolio.

    i cant seem to figure out what controls the “control buttons”

    the slideshow is Portfolio has only a previous and next, where as the one in Anion has more than that.
    I changed the css for the .ja-slide-buttons in the mod_jaslideshow2.css (mimicking the Portfolio style)

    but the buttons are still appearing in the place where it does in the Anion template. Plus it seems to add text for the extra buttons that dont have the supported images anymore….

    here is my site:

    i compared all files from both templates within the module and they seem identical.

    what makes the ‘show control buttons’ set to “yes” in the back end decide which buttons to have on there?

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

    thank you!

    aman204 Friend

    Still, there seems to be various css references missing to make the arrows look fine. Please try add them at end of template.css file:::

    .ja-slide-buttons {bottom:30px;left:-38px;position:absolute;width:735px;z-index:900;}

    Then, change this::

    .ja-slidewrap {
    border:0 none;


    .ja-slidewrap {
    border:0 none;

    anitaamit Friend

    Thanks for your reply aman!!!

    heres where i am ath with all this:

    both of the classes that u suggested chenges to, were set up like so, origially , in the mod_jaslideshow2.css file (not the template.css file) :

    #ja-slideshow .ja-slide-buttons {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 30px;
    left: 15px;
    height: 43px;
    width: 70px;

    .ja-slidewrap {
    border:0 none;

    changing the overflow to visible, helped place the buttons where they should be – thank you!
    your other suggestion for the ja-slide-button class, made me realise that my code had a ja-slideshow div to it, that i am guessing this (anion) template is not using – so i removed that div name. i noticed that the buttons is just one image for both the left and right arrow… here is the code that follows (again, taken fromt eh portfolio template’s slideshow css file:

    .ja-slide-buttons .ja-slide-prev,
    .ja-slide-buttons .ja-slide-next {

    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: url(../images/btncontrol.png);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    display: block;
    padding: 0;
    width: 35px;
    height: 43px;
    text-indent: -999em;
    margin: 0;

    .ja-slide-buttons .ja-slide-prev.hover,
    .ja-slide-buttons .ja-slide-next.hover {

    background-image: url(../images/btncontrol-hover.png);

    .ja-slide-buttons .ja-slide-prev { background-position: left top; float: left; }

    .ja-slide-buttons .ja-slide-next { background-position: right top; float: right;}

    its just that you suggested the width to be the width of the slideshow, and the original code (which is what i have on there now) has it set to be the width of the button control image 70px – so now it is staying that width – which is how it should be… but unfortunately, those span texts for the extra buttons are STILL showing up!!! :((

    if i could just figure out, what is telling the module to use buttons for the stop, and play etc also, rather thatn using only the previous and next buttons!!!! :((

    thank you again!

    aman204 Friend

    <blockquote>but unfortunately, those span texts for the extra buttons are STILL showing up!!! </blockquote>

    How about adding this at end of template.css file::

    .ja-slide-buttons span.ja-slide-playback,.ja-slide-buttons span.ja-slide-play,.ja-slide-buttons span.ja-slide-stop{display:none;}

    anitaamit Friend


    Thank you!


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