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  • felizia Friend


    i must change the header images in Mageia in a slideshow.
    Is there a chance?

    OOOOPS – not in 1.5!!!
    It is installed in 1.015!!!!


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi felizia !
    You can change image in templates/ja_mageia/images/header folder. you can view here for detail about process get header image for separator menu :

    felizia Friend


    but i wouldn’t change several images.

    I want a slideshow like template Genista instead the images in the header of Mageia.


    one7media Friend

    Can someone please tell us how to load a module into the header please? I wish I knew how to do it because I know it isn’t too difficult, just for us it is!!!!

    njean Friend

    <em>@one7media 50507 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can someone please tell us how to load a module into the header please? I wish I knew how to do it because I know it isn’t too difficult, just for us it is!!!!</blockquote>

    I second this 🙂

    one7media Friend

    O.K. Here’s my attempt. It actually works for me using FrontPage Slideshow (more importantly, I was able to load a module to the header area though).


    This is for Joomla! 1.0.15. See njean’s post for J! 1.5.x.

    In template_css.css add this line at the end:

    /*Extra Header Module*/
    #ja-slidermodule {
    line-height: normal;
    height: 200px;
    position: relative;
    width: 77%;
    float: right;
    background: #5D6B74;

    In your index.php file, highlight…

    <!-- BEGIN: HEADER -->


    <!-- END: HEADER -->

    …and replace everything with:

    <!-- BEGIN: HEADER -->
    <div id="ja-headerwrap" class="clearfix">
    <div id="ja-header" style="background: #5D6B74; no-repeat top right;">

    <div id="ja-slidermodule">
    <?php echo mosLoadModules ( 'slider',-1 ); ?>
    <div id="ja-newsflash">
    <?php echo mosLoadModules ( 'user5',-1 ); ?>

    <div id="ja-pathwaywrap" class="clearfix">

    <?php if (mosCountModules('user4')) { ?>
    <div id="ja-searchwrap">
    <div id="ja-search">
    <?php mosLoadModules('user4', -1); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <div id="ja-pathway">
    <strong>You are here:</strong> <?php mosPathway(); ?>
    <?php if ($ja_tool) { ?>
    <div id="ja-usertoolswrap">
    <div id="ja-usertools" class="clearfix">
    <?php if($supported_browsers) genToolMenu($ja_tool & 3); else genToolMenu_ie6($ja_tool & 3); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    <!-- END: HEADER -->

    In your Joomla! admin, go to Site/Template Manager/Module positions and add module position “slider” (without the quotations).

    You should have the new module position available. You may have to play around with the template_css.css to get it just right for your use, or the slideshow’s styling depending on which slideshow module you use. Front Page Slideshow worked well for me.

    I had to adjust the height of ja-newsflash (template_css.css line 856) to work for me.

    You can check out the screenshot of my results…..

    1. screen1
    2. screen2
    felizia Friend



    It works fine!


    njean Friend

    I believe this fix isn’t for Joomla 1.5 right?

    If you get this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function mosloadmodules() in /path/to/joomla/templates/ja_mageia/index.php on line 126

    it means you are running Joomla 1.5

    The fix for Joomla 1.5 is quite different, just modify the css as above.

    Then open /templates/ja_mageia/index.php and find line:

    <div id="ja-newsflash">

    BEFORE add:

    <div id="ja-slidermodule">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="slider" style="xhtml" />

    then you have to create a new module position..

    Open /templates/ja_mageia/templateDetails.xml and find line:


    BEFORE add:


    There you go, just publish the slideshow module to “slider” position


    felizia Friend

    No, I think, its only for 1.0.15.

    I use 1.0.15 and here is it fine!


    njean Friend

    <em>@felizia 50536 wrote:</em><blockquote>No, I think, its only for 1.0.15.

    I use 1.0.15 and here is it fine!


    Yes I edited and explained the 1.5 fix

    njean Friend

    It works, but I’ve got a little error.

    Basically the header slideshow is “dragged” a few pixels to the right. How can I fix that?

    one7media Friend

    I’m glad I could finally contribute something of use, without really knowing what the heck I was doing 🙂

    Yes, I am running J! 1.0.15, but njean posted for J! 1.5.

    <blockquote>Basically the header slideshow is “dragged” a few pixels to the right. How can I fix that? </blockquote>

    I would imagine it’s adjusting the margins/padding in either your template_css.css or your slideshow’s css file. Just my guess……

    njean Friend

    <em>@one7media 50546 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I would imagine it’s adjusting the margins/padding in either your template_css.css or your slideshow’s css file. Just my guess……</blockquote>

    Have you got any specific sections where I could look into?

    one7media Friend

    Try in template_css.css – /*Extra Header Module*/ (if you followed my instructions it’s at the end). You can try adding some padding/margins. I don’t know if it will help, but you can try there.

    If not, go to /modules/[yourslideshowmod]/, or if you’re using Front Page Slideshow, it’s in modules/mod_fpslideshow/templates//template_css.php

    I had to adjust the template_css.php for FPSS to get it to display right.

    Hope it helps.

    phoenix04 Friend


    This works beautifully for Firefox, but there is a problem in IE7 with Joomla 1.0.15: the headings for the left centre and right columns then overlap the breadcrumbs path. This same problem has been posted separately by someone else but there are as yet no replies:

    Has anyone got the above to work with IE7 and if so how?

    Please help.

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