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  • 7of9 Friend


    I have successfully installed Greek and English and I am translating everything to English, using Falang.
    However, when I try to translate the text of the slides in slideshow, I don’t see any options there.

    The site is http://www.allmassage.gr

    Please advice.

    Saguaros Moderator


    As I can see, the text in slideshow is in Greek already, which text do you want to translate?

    7of9 Friend

    Hi Saguaros,

    If you switch in English (the primary language is Greek), you will see that the text is still in Greek. I was unable to translate it in English.

    7of9 Friend

    Another thing I cannot find to translate is the text “View Category” in the category and “Details” in product.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi again,

    1. With the slideshow, I think you should duplicate this slideshow module so that you can have 2 slideshow modules in your site for each language separately. The text in added directly in description of slideshow so that you can’t translate in language file as normal way.

    2. For the ‘View category text’:

    – You can open file: /templates/ja_your_template_name/html/com_virtuemart/categories/default.php, at approx line 80, you will see this snippet of code:

    <a href="<?php echo $caturl ?>" title="<?php echo $category->category_name ?>" class="category-view-link">View Category</a>

    change it to:

    <a href="<?php echo $caturl ?>" title="<?php echo $category->category_name ?>" class="category-view-link"><?php echo JText::_ ('JA_View_Category'); ?></a>

    – Then open language file of template, for example, with English, you open file: /languages/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_hawkstore.ini

    add this text field:

    JA_VIEW_CATEGORY =”View Category <<<< change to your own text

    JA_PRODUCT_DETAILS =”details<<<< change Details text in product here

    7of9 Friend

    Hi Saguaros,

    Thanks for the help with the VM text.

    About the module duplication, I don’t know if it will work, because this is not how falang works. Falang is a fork of Joomfish and does not require double modules, but only an xml to define the translated text. The thing is I don’t know how to create this for JA Slideshow. I will however try your approach and let you know.

    7of9 Friend

    Update: Saguaros, your approach works 100%. Even though Falang still takes care of the rest, your way takes care of the slideshow. However, it would be a good idea to make the Falang xml some time, because Falang’s approach saves a lot of time and duplicates.

    Saguaros Moderator

    I agree with that, we will consider this further.

    Best Regards

    blankito Friend


    I have been searching in the file default.php that code line.. Couldnt find it.. I realised i dont have that certain folder. I can only find that file right here:


    But here there is not that code line in default.php..

    Any suggestions?

    best regards,

    Markus Hemm

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Markus,


    >> This is based folder of VM and by default, we override layout for categories in:


    There maybe problem when you install this template.

    Anyway, you can download attached file and copy to above folder.

    1. default.zip
    blankito Friend

    Hey Mate,

    I have done as you told me! But please tell me again.. Do i have to create that folder your talking about? I have done as you told me.. but it hasnt changed though! I hope you can help me!

    I copied the file of yours: my_template/components/com_virtuemart/views/categories

    Do i have to create the folder you are talking about???

    Thank you in advance,


    blankito Friend

    Gosh dude! Thank you.. I was blind.. found it..

    Thank you so much!!!

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