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  • thefc_uk Friend


    I’m using the JA Biz slideshow module in another template. However, I can’t stop the description appearing in both the left hand navigation and the main slide.

    Development site: http://btuh14.cloudaccess.net

    I’d like to have the option to switch it on or off in either the main slide or navigation – which I seem to be able to do in the normal Biz quick start template.

    I’ve tried switching it ‘off’ in the module profile settings, but just can’t seem to get it to work. So far…

    I’ve copied all the CSS files from the Biz template into my new template folder and copied the JA Mod files from a clean JA Biz installation into my Joomla folder.

    Not sure if perhaps I’ve missed something in the main template CSS file, but can’t see anything.

    Any help appreciated 🙂

    Eragon H Friend

    Kindly recheck the provided admin account. I can’t access your site to check the configuration.

    Also, provide the FTP access information if possible. This issue may come from file permission of JA Slideshow profile files

    thefc_uk Friend

    Hi Eragon,

    Private message sent to you 🙂


    Eragon H Friend

    Hi Stuart,

    After disabling the “Show description” option (http://prntscr.com/59v08d) , the description disappears in slideshow : http://prntscr.com/59v0j5

    Is it the one you need?

    Best regards,

    Eragon H

    thefc_uk Friend

    Hi Eragon,

    No – it’s the description within the left hand side navigation. Further down the module profile settings, there is a switch to disable the description within the Navigator settings. It’s this setting which does not appear to work when disabled.

    Thanks for your help so far 🙂

    Eragon H Friend

    Hi Stuart,

    I fixed this issue >> http://prntscr.com/59xlbu

    The code was changed in file: root/templates/bs3/html/mod_jaslideshow/default.php
    Position: http://prntscr.com/59xlzt

    <div class="thumb-des">
    <?php if($showDescription){?>
    <?php echo $helper->trimString( $captionsArray[$i], $descMaxChars, $includeTags );?>
    <?php }?>


    <div class="thumb-des">
    <?php if($navShowdesc){?>
    <?php echo $helper->trimString( $captionsArray[$i], $descMaxChars, $includeTags );?>
    <?php }?>

    Result: http://prntscr.com/59xm2t

    thefc_uk Friend

    Sir you are a star!

    I’ll check everything when I’m back home in a couple of days, but it looks good on my iPad 🙂


    thefc_uk Friend

    Sir you are a star!

    I’ll check everything when I’m back home in a couple of days, but it looks good on my iPad 🙂


Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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