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  • seeeule83 Friend


    some problems with JA Lens aggain…;)
    1: Slideshow – here you can see a Screen about the Problem

    The Pictures from the slidewhowfolder are dark and they got a raster / pattern / a grid layout…?! Even own Pictures i upload to the folder… Then also the Thumbnail Function: If i go to the Modul – Parameters – “Show Thumbnails” – Yes; I dont see them in the Frontend…(try a lot of Browsers and delete the Cache of cause)…?!
    2: Bad Icons: I cant enable the icons i marked with the yellow color in this Screen:

    I also try a lot of Browsers: Safari – no chance – IE – just the word Categorie and Timeline (but no arrow on the right and the 2 squares) – Firefox also…

    Have someone the same Problems? Can someone help me?
    Thanks a lot and good luck to all Guys with the very nice looking but still difficult Lenstemplate.
    Regards: Seeeule

    1. 1
    2. 2
    chavan Friend


    1. I tried to access your JA Slideshow Lite module manager and JA Len template manager, i got 500 error.

    2. Your site menu is quite long, it overlapped the layout icon. So I temporarily disable last menu item, and it worked.

    I hope it helps!

    1. error-500
    seeeule83 Friend

    Hallo Do Ha

    thanks first for your Answer.
    Yesterday i installed the new Version of JA Lens and some things are much better!
    I dont have the 500Error Message aggain, for example.
    But i still have some Slideshowproblems; primär with the Thumbnails I will send you 2 Screens in these post.
    If i go to the Slideshow-Modul – Paramters – and say “yes” to Thumbnails, i just see them very smale in IE and i dont see Thumbnails and in Firefox i dont see the hole Slideshow (It doesnt matter if i say yes or no to the Thumbnailoption – here there are justa mysterius white block on the end of the page), as you see in the Screenshots.
    Hope you can help me, i need this Modul.
    Thanks a lot!
    Regards: T.Schulz – Seeeeule83

    1. Screen1-InternetExplorer
    2. Screen2-Firefox
    chavan Friend

    Hi seeeule83

    You could follow this thread to know fix your issue

    I hope it helps!

    seeeule83 Friend

    Hallo Do Ha

    i have the second Code allready in my file templates/ja_lens/css/mod_jaslideshowlite.css, cause i installed the newesst JA Lens Files, and there is the Code allready inside.
    So the Problem is still the same…can you help me?:)

    Thanks a lot.
    Regards: Seeeule83

    chavan Friend

    Hi Seeeule83

    We would be rolling out new version for JA Lens in the coming days (within this week), it shall have the fixes for reported issues.

    Please wait for it.


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  chavan 12 years, 4 months ago.

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