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  • ismo Friend


    Our slideshow stopped working, there are no images displayed. We don’t recall making any site changes however plugins have been added since so not sure if this could have done anything.

    I have searched the forum as to how to fix this but not been able to find an answer.

    Our site is

    The blank space under the menu is the ja nickel default location where the slideshow used to appear.

    Be grateful for any ideas.


    smitheringale Friend

    The images are still there I think – but they just can’t be seen?? If you use firefox and the web developer toolbar to view image information you can see that the page has the three slideshow images that are default with this template.

    Also the mouse changes to indicate a link when you hover over the space where the slideshow is supposed to be.

    Since the slideshow is based on javascript – some of the plugins might be causing problems?

    But when viewed in IE 8, this error is rather handily shown – and since it’s for the slideshow javascript then its fair to say this is the cause of the problem.

    Webpage error details

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB6.5; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.xxxxxx; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.xxxxx; .NET CLR; yie8)
    Timestamp: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 14:27:44 UTC

    Message: Object doesn’t support this property or method
    Line: 98
    Char: 3
    Code: 0

    My next thought is whether the same error is shown in IE8 for the demo of Ja Nickel on the joomlart servers – and the answer is that it isnt.

    So I would conclude that there is something wrong with this file and I would suggest changing just this file to the original version found in the template zip package.

    <em>@ismo 190219 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi,

    Our slideshow stopped working, there are no images displayed. We don’t recall making any site changes however plugins have been added since so not sure if this could have done anything.

    I have searched the forum as to how to fix this but not been able to find an answer.

    Our site is

    The blank space under the menu is the ja nickel default location where the slideshow used to appear.

    Be grateful for any ideas.


    ismo Friend

    Many thanks for the idea!

    The slideshow.js file appears to be exactly the same as whats in the original zip file. I replaced it anyway but unfortunately still no sideshow images appear.

    Interestingly, the zip file I have (called seems different in module content to the latest quickstart zip file ( . For example, when looking at the mod_jaslideshow2 directory, I could not find slideshow.js in the more recent zip file, it looks to have been replaced by a file called script.js. Perhaps that explains why IE8 didn’t report an error from the demo page if it uses a later version that now works with it – dunno, i’m guessing.


    Saguaros Moderator

    <em>@ismo 190227 wrote:</em><blockquote>Many thanks for the idea!

    The slideshow.js file appears to be exactly the same as whats in the original zip file. I replaced it anyway but unfortunately still no sideshow images appear.

    Interestingly, the zip file I have (called seems different in module content to the latest quickstart zip file ( . For example, when looking at the mod_jaslideshow2 directory, I could not find slideshow.js in the more recent zip file, it looks to have been replaced by a file called script.js. Perhaps that explains why IE8 didn’t report an error from the demo page if it uses a later version that now works with it – dunno, i’m guessing.


    I have checked and see that your site is using an old version of the template. Please try to upgrade to the latest version. If the issue still persists, please provide me with the details.

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