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  • David Porré Friend


    I would like to use the slideshow with thumbnails, but I need a custom diplay of these thumbnails.

    I need to have a cross-shapes block of thumbs.

    See the image below for the look I have to get

    Would anyone know if this could be possible ?
    How ?

    Hoping for answers,
    Best regards,
    David aka Shapes

    redlight_traitor Friend

    Errrr… you’re going to have to edit a php file or js file to change the position of the thumbnails. You would go into the folder of the slideshow template you want to hack and look in there.

    David Porré Friend

    Hello redlight_traitor,

    Thanks for your answer, but I got it done with another module, also by changing some css, php, and js files.

    Best regards,
    David aka Shapes

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  David Porré 14 years, 8 months ago.

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