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  • jga159 Friend

    I have several problems with slideshow configuration in general and “Today Highlights” in particular.

    1. Control buttons on the top right of the slideshow (for slides change) don’t appear. Module class is “Hightlight” and skin is “- Use Default -” as in the User Guide, and, as in the User Guide, navigation settings is “No” on “Navigation show”. Were did I miss something ?

    2. [General] Readmore link. Readmore link does not show. On a previous post, there’s an image caption where there is a “Show Readmore Text” choice. Don’t have such a field in my JA Slideshow2 Module, although it’s the latest version according to JoomArt Extension Manager. How can I fix it to show the readmore link ?

    3. From Articles. I choose to display articles and not images. At first, I had a problem because thumbnail in the article intro was extended to the whole slideshow width. Then I override default_articles.php on mod_jaslideshow2 to suppress $mainWidth, $mainHeight on line 12 and image is now showing nice. But is there a way to include article tags in the slideshow ? All the text is in one and only one paragraph, with no possibility for, at least, a br.

    4. [General] Slideshow layout. For one slideshow, I would like to have photos on the left and description on the right. Is there a skin allowing this ?

    5. [General] Content description. For slideshow from Image Folder, content description is not showing. Code on “Description for each Item” is :

    <p>At et id justo accumsan Donec a odio nibh id et. Quisque nunc nibh sit pretium turpis eget sed non Proin non</p>

    <p>Suscipit est Morbi id senectus Integer iaculis interdum Aenean lobortis dui. Curabitur Pellentesque</p>

    <p>Orci dolor quis ut id sit nunc gravida et mauris in. Vestibulum pretium at Curabitur eros Nam Aenean</p>

    <p>Curabitur Pellentesque convallis commodo tincidunt vitae ante id Nam Vestibulum Suspendisse</p>

    and, of course, “Show Description” > “Description only”, “Show Description when”
    “Image animated”. Again, what did I miss ?

    6. [General] Slideshow position. I would like to create a new slideshow position right on top of the main content.

    I understood how to create new positions here and there, but not in this specific place. How can I achieve this ?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    jga159 Friend

    For 1., I found at least the solution : in “Navigator settings”, choose for a while “Contain Thumbnails”, then clic on “Yes” for “Control buttons”, and THEN, choose “Navigation Show” > “No” again. Not very intuitive, but it works.

    thuanlq Friend

    Hi @jga159,
    Here are my answer for your questions:
    2, To show “readmore” link, you can config on admin as you see. But in the ja rave template “readmore” link was disabled by css, so to show it please edit file “templates/ja_rave/css/mod_jaslideshow2.css”, change line code

    .ja-slide-main-wrap .maskDesc .readon {



    .ja-slide-main-wrap .maskDesc .readon {


    3, Yes you can include html tags on slideshow description by set “Include Tags ” param on module admin
    exm: include “<a>,<b>” you must set “include Tags” = “a,b”
    4, Yes, please edit the “mod_jaslideshow2.css” in folder “templates/ja_rave/css/”, add new style

    .moduletable_highlight .ja-slide-item img {
    float:left !important;

    5, Please make sure "img" option on tag is item slide image name.
    6, Add "?tp=1" to your url, check if your template supports this block, then create new module position, and create new child block of this position with new module position.

    jga159 Friend

    Hi thuanlq

    Thanks for your answers.

    2. OK now. Thanks.

    3. Sorry, still on one line only.
    Code in the article is

    <p>Lorem ipsum</p>
    <p>dolor sit amet</p>

    Source code of the slideshow is

    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>

    Settings are as slideshow-1.jpg (attachment)

    4. Thanks. I’ll try this.

    5. That was because I reduced height of the slidewshow without modifiying css. Thank you Firebug.

    6. Come back tomorrow 🙂

    1. slideshow-1
    thuanlq Friend

    Hi @jga159,
    If you choose “source form articles”, you must change some code in the “default_articles.php” file in folder “modules/mod_jaslideshow2/tmpl/”, please do as following:
    – find line code

    <?php echo $helper->trimString( strip_tags($item->introtext), $descMaxChars , $includeTags); ?>

    replace to

    <?php echo $helper->trimString( $item->introtext, $descMaxChars , $includeTags); ?>

    – Find line code

    <?php echo $helper->trimString( strip_tags($item->introtext), $navDescmaxlength, $includeTags ); ?>

    replace to

    <?php echo $helper->trimString( $item->introtext, $navDescmaxlength, $includeTags ); ?>

    jga159 Friend

    Thanks a lot thuanlq.
    By the way, I also solved 4. and 6. T3 framework is very powerful, indeed !

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jga159 13 years, 11 months ago.

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