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  • timmiller Friend

    Hi Guys,

    I installed the latest quickstart version of JA University on a Godaddy server for a client.

    It seems to be very slow. I’d apprecaite any help…

    I’ve got the same site installed on my own server:

    It is still slow, but not as slow…

    Before I go modifying this, I’d really like to find out if it’s going to be slow in general…

    Thanks much!

    icandy_webs Friend

    Hi Tim,

    I am not a JoomlArt Expert by any means but I have encountered this issue as well for my site which is hosted on hostgator. While your site is in development, I think it’s actually ok for the load times to be a bit slow if you have caching, GZIP compression, minifying and merging your css and js files turned off. I was averaging anywhere from 10 – 18 second load times when I was in development

    Manos Moderator


    I think that this -> http://prntscr.com/2vmfry will answer your questions at once!



    timmiller Friend


    I’m so sorry but I don’t think I understand that image…primed vs empty cache?

    What can I do?
    Thanks much!

    Manos Moderator


    There are lot’s of optimizations that can be done when you are done with development. Please check the following article -> http://www.joomlart.com/blog/news-updates/tools-and-tips-to-check-joomla-site-speed-and-improve-performance



Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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