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  • deep81 Friend

    I have problem with mobile browsing on my website (http://www.kartellshop.cz).
    On desktop it is fast and ok, but on mobile not, there are problems with clicks on links, which has really slow response.
    I try to click on some products and I must wait until it start working.

    I’m not able to click on the product, only when I hold my finger there and, than my phone ask me what I want to do with a link (copy, open) and then I get to the product.

    Similar is the off canvas menu on the left. I have to hold my finger a little longer to get to the desired link. When I simple click It only marks the link, but not open it.

    I’m trying it on iPhone 4S with iOS 7.0.6 and on Android 2.3.4

    When I try your demo (http://www.joomlart.com/demo/#ja_bookshop), there it is little similar.

    Saguaros Moderator

    I tried to open your website in iPhone at my end but it works smoothly. It may be due to the internet bandwidth that your iPhone is using.

    BTW, try to check our demo site with this link: http://joomla-templates.joomlart.com/ja_bookshop/index.php/en/ to see how it goes.

    deep81 Friend

    I let test it more people in company and it has slow response for all. It is not in internet speed, there are 30MB, which is enough.

    In your demo (http://joomla-templates.joomlart.com/ja_bookshop) it is the same.

    Saguaros Moderator

    It’s really weird as I can view it normally at my end.

    Anyways, please try this tips to improve performance: http://www.joomlart.com/blog/news-updates/tools-and-tips-to-check-joomla-site-speed-and-improve-performance

    And you can consider to hide un-important module/content in mobile view so that it can load faster.

    deep81 Friend

    I know about optimalisation and I try to hide a lot of modules on mobile version, but without any change. I test it on more mobiles and on some of, it is relative ok, but on Iphone with iOS 7.0.6 it is really terrible, and I think that any optimalisation can help. Bookshop demo site is totaly the same slow response problem.

    Please try to look at the site on more mobile phones. I will try to record a video, how bad it is on Iphone.

    Saguaros Moderator

    For the problem when clicking product in iPhone view, I also see this issue on my end, it is due to the Wishlist / Compare buttons over the product’s image, thus you can’t click on image.

    If you want to view like this: http://prntscr.com/2ycjv3. You can create a new CSS file named custom.css and add this style:

    @media (max-width: 767px) {
    .product-grid.row > div, .ja-product-grid > div {
    position: relative;

    .product-grid .actions, .ja-product-grid .actions {
    position: static;

    .product-grid .cart, .product-grid .wishlist,
    .product-grid .compare, .ja-product-grid .cart,
    .ja-product-grid .wishlist, .ja-product-grid .compare {
    bottom: 0;
    display: inline-block;

    .product-grid .price {
    padding-bottom: 30px;

    deep81 Friend

    yes this really helps with it, thanks

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  deep81 10 years, 10 months ago.

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