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  • framos41 Friend

    Hello! Anythig about this? Thank you! Regards

    Saguaros Moderator


    You have so many questions in one topic.

    You can try to search in forum of template for similar topics which already had solution, it will save much time:

    framos41 Friend


    Thank you for your answer, i have found some answers in the forum but these 5 are the ones i didnt found:

    1- How can the area shown in the image "lower-area-hight.jpg" where the logo and search bar are be lower than it is? for example if it is 120px high change it to 80px?

    2- How can the brand logo be shown in the product details as in the example in the image "brand-logo.jpg"?

    3- When you have a product with a price discount (sale), how can i have the original full price with tax be shown as crossed out and the discouted price be shown at the side in another color?

    4- How can the category names in the virtuemart shop front end be centered to the category image and not at the left side (you can see this at category-names-centered.jpg) ?

    5- I have changed the template name and installed it again with a custom name for security, i have fully copied the configuration from the quickstart template but it does not look the same, i keep getting the mobile menu showing up at the main menu in pc view, (you can see this at the image "mobile-menu.jpg")

    Should i post these in different posts o is this one fine?

    Thank you looking forward to your comments

    1. lower-area-hight
    2. brand-logo
    3. mobile-menu
    4. category-names-centered
    Saguaros Moderator


    Please post your questions in separated topics, each one should be in one topic so that it would be helpful if others have the same concern.

    Thank you.

    framos41 Friend

    Thank you!

    I have just posted them as separate questions


Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  framos41 7 years, 11 months ago.

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